Having my bootable CD of Ubuntu (for windowsiani closed in the Matrix)
Questa guida è fatta per istruire i "novellini" su come ottenere una copia bella&pronta di Ubuntu e rimandare tutti qui senza più ripetere decine di righe in chat ^_^ procedere all'installazione*, più che guida vera e propria è un elenco di link con mie integrazioni
Siete in ambiente Windows e avete voglia di buttare Xp o Vista provare alternative al vostro attuale sistema. Consiglio per novellissimi, ma volentorosi: nessuna vi ucciderà se decidete per un dual-boot(due operating systems on a PC) and if you start to use a purely domestic (web, chat, music, movies, downloads, photos, etc. ..)... management after smadonnato really spent any time you can decide to throw your Windows system and find solutions for your professional work
Firstly you must obtain a copy of Ubuntu, currently the latest stable version is 9.04: this address http://www.ubuntu-it.org/download / find an easy support to download your ISO , select the "Desktop Edition," the 8.04 is the LTS (Long Term Support) version with support for longer time, more experienced scgriderebbero me, but you choose novellissimi all the x86 architecture, even if you have an AMD or a 64bit processor, the server and choose to suit your personal needs also decide the last two options: they concern computer "Vecchiotti" (the first option in case of problems with the Live-CD that you create, "checkatela" even if you have in your hands the ultimate nuclear NASA) or if you own notebook ... Click "Start Download"
You can also choose to download via torrent , go here and choose the version, as the first ever for "desktop" and for the x86 architecture and "alternate" for PC or Vecchiotti then " ubuntu-desktop-9.4-i386.iso.torrent " or "ubuntu- 4.9-alternate-i386.iso.torrent "and started to download through a torrent client such as BitTorrent .
Once your ISO will need to burn it, follow this link http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/DispositiviPartizioni/MasterizzareIso you'll have all the instructions to burn it, if you have problems I can use suggerirvei Daemon Tools, with which, once installed, you can read your ISO (Daemon acts as a CD / DVD rom virtual) simply by mounting or "read" with this little program and then with a burning program will do a "Hard Copy" (or similar items)
now you should have your FREE copy and functioning of the live-CD of Ubuntu for now you can put in your drive, restart the computer, boot from cd-rom and try Ubuntu without changing anything
At the moment, for those who wish to undertake the installation, I refer you to Powered by MediaWiki wiki. ubuntu-it.org/Installazione/Grafica
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Which Capsule Dissolves Fastest
Chernobyl Days 2009
international day of mobilization against nuclear energy.
April 25th-26th 2009 - International Days of Action Against Nuclear Power
25-26 avril 2009
Journées Internationales de Mobilisation Contre le nucléaire.
Follow the information provided by the committees who participate.
Link to official site: http://chernobyl-day.org/
report it to local committees in your region or your city and are planning any action near this date internationally.
Convince them to join and sign up.
Download the banner and then connect your website, blog, forum or web page to the Chernobyl Day:
-time status actual accessions, federal initiatives and events is always available on the same site here:
Report to the Media and Information Agencies of each tipo e natura l'evento che si apprestano ad ignorare e censurare in modo Intere$$ato.
Visto il Piano Energetico e le forzature alla Caiman del Governo... quest'anno il Chernobyl Day avrebbe dovuto divenire una priorità, un'occasione per concentrare ed Unire i No ad un modo di produzione che NON ha nulla da difendere.
Restituiamo al Chernobyl Day la degna Priorità a partire dal coinvolgimento individuale prendendo per una volta Concreta distanza dalle "priorità" elettoraliste e di mercato.
▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ Informazioni in Italiano sui promotori ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼
Cosa è il Chernobyl-day.org? Chi sono? Cosa c'è dietro?
L'iniziativa è coordinata da Sortir du Nucléaire (Francia) - http://www.sortirdunucleaire.fr - Una federazione di 842 associazioni.
Le giornate di mobilitazione evidenzieranno manifestazioni, assemblee, convegni, incontri anche locali, petizioni ed anche iniziative web.
Questa associazione ha quindi proposto anche un sito apposito http://chernobyl-day.org - attualmente in 3 lingue. Con un ricco menu per accedere ad ulteriori informazioni ed aggiornamenti sullo stato delle adesioni.
Per aderire vi è una modulistica dove si è invitati a segnalare le iniziative of their local or national committee should be.
So all initiatives which are recorded, evaluated and lead to the exact details of contact persons, regardless of the part of the world interested.
▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼
Who is "No Nukes"? What's behind? He worked for the CIA? Or to "bank" KGB? Which makes the electoral interests?
"No Nukes" is employed in Turin, which is the name of Massimo Greek - who can be contacted at 349 / / / 5661115 - No member of any party and not even "Fan" and disengaged from any commercial motive. What
after breaking the bales at length on this event (probably not enough) just hopes to have met affinity and friends interested in making sure that what has been organized this year in the world not affected by the Chernobyl Day censorship.
international day of mobilization against nuclear energy.
April 25th-26th 2009 - International Days of Action Against Nuclear Power
25-26 avril 2009
Journées Internationales de Mobilisation Contre le nucléaire.
Follow the information provided by the committees who participate.
Link to official site: http://chernobyl-day.org/
report it to local committees in your region or your city and are planning any action near this date internationally.
Convince them to join and sign up.
Download the banner and then connect your website, blog, forum or web page to the Chernobyl Day:
-time status actual accessions, federal initiatives and events is always available on the same site here:
Report to the Media and Information Agencies of each tipo e natura l'evento che si apprestano ad ignorare e censurare in modo Intere$$ato.
Visto il Piano Energetico e le forzature alla Caiman del Governo... quest'anno il Chernobyl Day avrebbe dovuto divenire una priorità, un'occasione per concentrare ed Unire i No ad un modo di produzione che NON ha nulla da difendere.
Restituiamo al Chernobyl Day la degna Priorità a partire dal coinvolgimento individuale prendendo per una volta Concreta distanza dalle "priorità" elettoraliste e di mercato.
▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ Informazioni in Italiano sui promotori ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼
Cosa è il Chernobyl-day.org? Chi sono? Cosa c'è dietro?
L'iniziativa è coordinata da Sortir du Nucléaire (Francia) - http://www.sortirdunucleaire.fr - Una federazione di 842 associazioni.
Le giornate di mobilitazione evidenzieranno manifestazioni, assemblee, convegni, incontri anche locali, petizioni ed anche iniziative web.
Questa associazione ha quindi proposto anche un sito apposito http://chernobyl-day.org - attualmente in 3 lingue. Con un ricco menu per accedere ad ulteriori informazioni ed aggiornamenti sullo stato delle adesioni.
Per aderire vi è una modulistica dove si è invitati a segnalare le iniziative of their local or national committee should be.
So all initiatives which are recorded, evaluated and lead to the exact details of contact persons, regardless of the part of the world interested.
▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼
Who is "No Nukes"? What's behind? He worked for the CIA? Or to "bank" KGB? Which makes the electoral interests?
"No Nukes" is employed in Turin, which is the name of Massimo Greek - who can be contacted at 349 / / / 5661115 - No member of any party and not even "Fan" and disengaged from any commercial motive. What
after breaking the bales at length on this event (probably not enough) just hopes to have met affinity and friends interested in making sure that what has been organized this year in the world not affected by the Chernobyl Day censorship.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Karate Belt Display Rack Plans
21:55 pm, the bus stops at the intersection Tiburtina / Portonaccio.
After a day started badly due to bad weather and consequent bad mood and other thoughts, those who defend the palaces they put a smile Tiburtina I tried very true today!
Moody! I already know to stay, or at least give the impression, on a pedestal and judge the mob!
mobs do not mean the end to social and economic policy used by the oligarchy, but what do you succumb to it without wanting to understand the mechanics! I mean when mobs, referring to Western people, and with appropriate means that throw all the cultural baggage European to try to reach, or look like a little, a social model absurd idea that seems to reign is fully legitimate in order to show the largest auto group, is fully legitimate to show the dress "signed over" the country is fully legitimate to believe all of the small Briatore! While on the one hand
nourish the media bombardment of social models, to put it mildly satanic other the mob you are not accounting for how we are committing suicide by using a white powder, which most often is cut with anesthetics! Far be it from me to the rod, but the paradoxical thing is to see that it is becoming a challenge to easily find two barrels, while the coca soon give to you at the bar with coffee!
Reflection difficult to understand perhaps, but I would point out my bad mood Gurd this rabble who wastes his energy to be pussy and blowjob, but completely disinterested in understanding the play of those who dream to buy it SUV's while simultaneously doing everything to keep it tight leash!

21:55 pm, the bus stops at the intersection Tiburtina / Portonaccio.
After a day started badly due to bad weather and consequent bad mood and other thoughts, those who defend the palaces they put a smile Tiburtina I tried very true today!
Moody! I already know to stay, or at least give the impression, on a pedestal and judge the mob!
mobs do not mean the end to social and economic policy used by the oligarchy, but what do you succumb to it without wanting to understand the mechanics! I mean when mobs, referring to Western people, and with appropriate means that throw all the cultural baggage European to try to reach, or look like a little, a social model absurd idea that seems to reign is fully legitimate in order to show the largest auto group, is fully legitimate to show the dress "signed over" the country is fully legitimate to believe all of the small Briatore! While on the one hand
nourish the media bombardment of social models, to put it mildly satanic other the mob you are not accounting for how we are committing suicide by using a white powder, which most often is cut with anesthetics! Far be it from me to the rod, but the paradoxical thing is to see that it is becoming a challenge to easily find two barrels, while the coca soon give to you at the bar with coffee!
Reflection difficult to understand perhaps, but I would point out my bad mood Gurd this rabble who wastes his energy to be pussy and blowjob, but completely disinterested in understanding the play of those who dream to buy it SUV's while simultaneously doing everything to keep it tight leash!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Remove Grand Am Rear Deck
When capitalism collapses!? Salvatore Borsellino
Capitalism has collapsed when the U.S., top representatives of the "free market", used his hand to repair the damage state of bankers and high-finance!
For many it is as if nothing had happened, for others, genetically critical of the ruling class, started a new phase, too indecipherable as to what will come, but there are concerns in seeing all the repressive measures of the Member in respect strikes and demonstrations (see Italy or handling. technocrat Lisbon Europe)!
The risk based, is to see out of the sewers serve the worst of capitalism: the neo-fascists, sempre buoni per la borghesia capitalista per soffocare la protesta civile ed un ipotetico ammiccamento alle dottrine socialiste da parte dei popoli!
Ancora non conosco una "Terza via", fin a quel momento l'attuale sistema di sviluppo neoliberista può essere contrastato solo con il socialismo in economia e un tocco di dottrina anarchica nell'apparato istituzionale!
Tutto ciò che sta accadendo in questi mesi fu "previsto"(calcolato con lungimiranza) da Marx!
Il potere ed alcuni lacchè e ottusi a queste parole non risponderanno mai nel merito, ma citeranno fuori la Corea del Nord, Cuba(paragonandola sempre con la Norvegia e MAI con il resto delle isole caraibiche sotto influenza American), will pull out of the Stalinist Soviet Union, but never take it that no one with the worst criminal and the political and economic thoughts: CAPITALISM!
would be enough for the lackeys, for a second to take the role of the worker in Chile, the African farmer, the unemployed Middle Eastern to see things from another perspective today, not 10.20 or 30 years ago and no answer charges capitalism with anachronistic phrases inculcated by the neoliberal pensée unique!

Capitalism has collapsed when the U.S., top representatives of the "free market", used his hand to repair the damage state of bankers and high-finance!
For many it is as if nothing had happened, for others, genetically critical of the ruling class, started a new phase, too indecipherable as to what will come, but there are concerns in seeing all the repressive measures of the Member in respect strikes and demonstrations (see Italy or handling. technocrat Lisbon Europe)!
The risk based, is to see out of the sewers serve the worst of capitalism: the neo-fascists, sempre buoni per la borghesia capitalista per soffocare la protesta civile ed un ipotetico ammiccamento alle dottrine socialiste da parte dei popoli!
Ancora non conosco una "Terza via", fin a quel momento l'attuale sistema di sviluppo neoliberista può essere contrastato solo con il socialismo in economia e un tocco di dottrina anarchica nell'apparato istituzionale!
Tutto ciò che sta accadendo in questi mesi fu "previsto"(calcolato con lungimiranza) da Marx!
Il potere ed alcuni lacchè e ottusi a queste parole non risponderanno mai nel merito, ma citeranno fuori la Corea del Nord, Cuba(paragonandola sempre con la Norvegia e MAI con il resto delle isole caraibiche sotto influenza American), will pull out of the Stalinist Soviet Union, but never take it that no one with the worst criminal and the political and economic thoughts: CAPITALISM!
would be enough for the lackeys, for a second to take the role of the worker in Chile, the African farmer, the unemployed Middle Eastern to see things from another perspective today, not 10.20 or 30 years ago and no answer charges capitalism with anachronistic phrases inculcated by the neoliberal pensée unique!
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