Saturday, May 30, 2009

Automatic Door Hinge Pin

Sicily has three wounds

Del film Johnny Toothpick has been memorable so far as the attorney-uncle says that Sicily is suffering from three wounds:
"In the world we are known for something of negative ... What you call blister ...
A terrible, and you know what I mean: Etna, the volcano, but it is a natural beauty ...
But there is another serious that no one can solve, she has already figured out ... The Drought ... Burn the land and drought, a bad thing ... But it is the nature ... and we can not do anything ...
But where a man can do something and does nothing, is the third and most serious of these wounds That defames really Sicily, you have already understood, it is useless for me to tell him, I am ashamed to say it: The Traffic ... too many cars ... traffic swirling that makes us enemies families against families. "What
Benigni was a genius all know by now, and I like a good Sicilian I can confirm that Sicily is effectively overwhelmed at least three wounds, except that mine is wanting to confirm the number, the three plagues mentioned in the film should be at least extended to include concepts wider.

I think the first plague that afflicts Sicily, at least in its eastern part, are The Earthquakes . There is a dangerous fault line that runs along the Ionian coast and history teaches that the energy that accumulates in the ground should be issued periodically. will be helpful to take a quick look at the latest edition of the seismic hazard map of the country, issued by ' National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology :

From a closer look shows that in Italy areas in the range of likely acceleration major (indigo) are present in only two regions of Italy: Sicily and Calabria. I do not want the Calabrian indigo but the part marked in their region, passing through an area (the Sila) is not densely populated, than the speech for Sicily:

In short even Civil Defence has recently announced that Syracuse is the area with the greatest seismic hazard of Italy, and fun for people who live there, especially considering what materials have been poorly built our homes, schools, etc.

According to me the second wound is The Hot . There bisogno di Al Gore per capire che una terra che per 4 mesi all'anno presenta temperature invivibili per l'uomo (ovviamente senza l'uso di climatizzatori e condizionatori) non può avere altro futuro che la desertificazione.

Infine secondo me la terza piaga che affligge la Sicilia sono Gli Italiani : sono dovunque, non c'è bisogno di girare molto per trovarli, basta avvicinarsi alle strisce pedonali e cercare di attraversare. Oppure basta cercare di fare una coda in un ufficio o negozio affollato non munito di scontrini con numero elimina-code. Oppure basta partecipare ad un appalto pubblico per sentirsi chiedere una mazzetta come se fosse la cosa più normale the world. Or vice versa, just open any business being asked for protection money (yes, I think the Mafia deliberately omitted Advocate / uncle is a sub Italianness).

I do not know if I die buried in the rubble of my house-like concrete, but if I'll have a heart attack under the August sun, or even while I am overwhelmed by the pedestrian crossing: for sure but I know by heart a citation of animated film Madagascar :

you keep a secret, two-color friend? Have you ever seen penguins walk the streets of New York City? Of course not. Not This is our place, it is our habitat, this is a kind of infernal trap crazy! We go there in the boundless spaces of Antarctica! In nature!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Military Retirement Cartoons

600k for all books are bad

scientific materialism, the crowd cheered unconscious
yet it seemed that Marx had other
the 'ideal man' come true
by powers historically adverse to

the bureaucratization of life that will give what is now avoids

An empire
impersonal and alienating rather than a community gets.
Cirdondato only by the individual nothing
now precarious, but technological
like a general who does not learn
blindness and is thrown to the dragon, instead of dwelling on the shore

Monday, May 18, 2009

Biffy Clyro Mountains Piano

Rinaldini Rinaldini or not?

opinion, the historical process of Italian fascism, to blame the Socialist leadership that he could not pursue a "revolutionary project" during the Red Biennium.

do not know the particular circumstances of Rinaldini, I find some good rush of workers, I find it very negative and disappointing that the difference between French workers who kidnap the manager, with the Italians, who railed against the unions, not at all innocent.

offenders, but which abbreviations, and that hierarchical level? A representative

FIOM guilty? not a CISL, UIL is not one, not a UGL, or a secretary NATIONAL CGIL, because Milan was Fiom attaccata tempi fa anche dalla direzione centrale della Cgil.

Questo avvenimento potrebbe far riflettere molto come certi rapporti di forza nella classe lavoratrice, ma anche nell'intera società italiana, siano cambiati: alla fine si vede uno scambio di battute fra "compagni", ed uno da dello stalinista ad un altro.

Un Parlamento spostato tutto a destra, tra cui i "liberisti" del PD e il liberal-conservatore IDV, è sintomo che nella popolazione c'è stato comunque uno spostamento a destra(su alcune cause sappiamo perchè i "mezzi" stanno a destra, come un pezzettino-ino ino- di verità sta anche negli slogan dei pidiellini/leghisti)

La classe lavoratrice, gli italiani, se vogliono scaldarsi, è ora che sappiano anche chi sia il loro nemico naturale e storico: se la nostra rabbia si scaglia su immigrati e sindacalisti, "lor signori" hanno già vinto in partenza!