Friday, January 15, 2010

Inactive Security Clearance

Italy silver medal

Prendendo spunto dal post di oggi sul blog di Beppe Grillo ho deciso di documentarmi una volta per tutte sul debito pubblico .
A parte le definizioni, che lascio agli studiosi di economia, e alle conseguenze, che lascio a miei figli e nipoti (se vivranno in Italia), una cosa molto interessante è la classifica degli stati del mondo ordinati per debito pubblico in percentuale sul PIL.
In breve: l'Italia non la batte quasi nessuno, solo il Giappone è messo peggio.
Giusto come raffronto, la forbice a seconda di chi fa le stime è compresa nei seguenti intervalli:
  • Giappone 170-200
  • Italia 100-115
  • Germania 60-80
  • Canada 60-65 France 60-75
  • USA 60-75
  • UK
  • Spain 40-60 35-45 20-35
  • Ireland

Can I Drive In France Without My Driving Licence



In a month I will give the text of Contemporary History at university subject Po; charitable work!

Unfortunately, the text in question, far too moderate for my person, there is nothing for the nation Padania! I do everything so that an honest citizen can correct Po and enter this country in history where it was thought authors deliberately omitted from the Stalinist!

Ps: I forgot, secession, and federalism were the first priorities that Members could run through the streets Po romanissime autoblu and also with flashing emergency lanes of highways, at which the citizen could still help by entering the Po valley, also in text concerned, the failure 900esca invasion of hundreds of millions of immigrants, encouraged by their aggressiveness to leave land untouched by finance capital and prosperous, to destroy the social fabric without first of all evil Of this millennial invasion!

After we draft a new text with the university changed the title from "people-to people. The Europeans" a "Da divinità a bestie. I Padani"