Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ap Lab 1 Diffusion And Osmosis Answers

smash the state?

Il capitalismo mostra il suo vero essero proprio in un'era in cui di comunisti, di qualsiasi corrente, che AD ALTO LIVELLO DIRIGENZIALE E MEDIATICO non ce ne sono!

Il Capitalismo si is eating his own frame of two centuries earlier: democracy, just as people began to be hailed as the beginning of a vision that founded the first economic and social, or rather if in fact democracy is just a political formula (Moscow ) to mask an oligarchy, for the citizens of the 900 becomes an instrument of protection from abuse! Sadly, the end of political ideologies has left on the ground the only IDEOLOGY ECONOMY that is creating a new totalitarianism, this time by company type, namely the approval, thanks to the media and society with regard to the political culture and patterns of behavior!

"local movements such as the League do no more than help this process, as being the nation-state is in crisis, first supranational organizations, other local instances, movements which were resolved in the defense of the town hall to help dismantle the state, which today is the only entity that could defend the hegemony of finance capital, certainly not a town of a few thousand residents!

Marx wrote for his time and the utopia of killing the state, which remains the goal, now a citizen, not a subject, it is not desirable, even the conquest of power politics and government should concentrate a force genuinely Marxist once the government might finally give life to un'AUTOGESTIONE to government control: self-management presupposes the freedom of workers on wages for each skill, earnings management, corporate policies, control Givern to be informed on the work of the company and production to convey the respect of nature and the collective well-being!

Friday, April 2, 2010

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post-communist elections

After the collective hangover of exit polls, results, analysis of post-election returns to a reality that will confront the right wing government for the next three years, after which there will be a Another important date!

My analysis is that he lost the Republican Italy and more careful and informed and I fully endorse the analysis of iron, this would add a few thoughts about the inability of PD mea culpa to laying the blame on the new political son of Beppe Grillo and done by honest and indignant, the "guilt" Movement 5-star is to appear with a few ideas, but clear and concrete ideas that should be the workhorse of a left ecologist at this point a question naturally arises: if ecological subjects in France are full to the European past and have consent from us what happened to the Greens?

not entirely alien to the world that revolves around the Grillo's blog I can afford to grillini a critical, non-instrumental and cowardly come quella della zarina Bresso, bensì criticare un certo dilettantismo, che alcuni di essi sbalorditivamente rivendicano, nel capire le regole di un voto a sistema maggioritario: se dovessimo guardare ai risultati con ottica proporzionale del voto si può capire la goliardica esultanza dei grillini, 400.000 mila voti all'esordio regionale non sono pochi, ma purtroppo penso che sia più corretta un'analisi pragmatica e di ottica maggioritaria e quindi evidenziamo come il movimento a 5 stelle prende più voti per il candidato anziché per la lista:

Bono 4,08% lista 3,66% seggi 2

Crimi 3% lista 2,33% seggi 0

Borrelli 3,15% lista Favia seats
2.57% 0 7.00% 6.00% list seats
Fico 2 1.34% 1.33% list seats


This means that, having taken a vow severed in a manner contrary like myself have tried in vain to advise in the days before the election, M5S does not enter into regional councils of Lombardy and Piedmont, Veneto and probably in the 2 advisers were arguing with the "least worst" of the liberal left, with the whole I blame the evil of which I consider better than a majority League!

Now chapter to me most dear: what happened to the radical left?

possible that between the leaderships of RC and PdCI do not understand that chasing the PD and a desire for government at all cost, rejecting the ideals expressed in their symbols and bowing to liberal policies, they just lead to suicide of the little remains of the left antagonistic?

And other groups such as iron, which admit one of my sympathy, Communist Left Critique and Alternative, we add associations of anarchist-communists within the framework of any political party, does not understand the importance of a Communist Party unit or more generally anti-capitalist? I have read and dislikes of the various disagreements between them, but it seems to me that here we want to focus on their sectarianism to a real project shared opposition to the right and left liberals, almost a race to prove who is more popular and more radical, I remember the aftermath of the elections in 2008 I sent an email to these entities, the answers were not encouraging and confirmed the trend "self-ghetto" of each, although each could claim valid reasons for not talking with each other!

aftermath of another election and after two years, the undersigned sees the same problems and no progress, yet there I see everyone on the same street protests where they were present: those of Alternative Community can read their magazines sold in the Communist Workers' Party can see the flags, as yet, fortunately, the militants of the PRC Communist Left Critique know with absolute certainty the commitment and support in student demonstrations in the winter of 2008/2009!

And that among these political groups can not there be one, crisis-ridden capitalist, do not give support to the many workers who climb on roofs and advise them the first step in a revolutionary? What is this piece? That workers affected by "restructuring" or "relocation" of which there is no need except greed for more profit is possible only in the chaos of crisis, will fall from the roof, stop suicide and self-blame occupy farms and give life to works councils, decision-making body of the workers, clerks, engineers and scientists! Amid the current capitalist workers are able to reappropriate the means of production left to rot until their sale by the joint-stock company "rightful owners", according to the canons of capitalist society to another person trimmed to only profit!

Now I want to give a practical example of "joint initiatives"

emblematic case is that of Termini Imerese, there might not be a communist party that manages to involve university students in the problem of workers in Sicily? How? We assume that Fiat still be there they will go and whether it will remain only if "assisted" by the State, in short with the money of the citizens and thanks to the blackmail of the dismissal, having said that you could propose some sort of contract between the university centers asking researchers and students to propose a project in a vehicle that makes us free from the yoke of black gold (I'm not inventing the moon, Let's be clear, there is simply "someone" on the upper floors of the social pyramid that does not want to give us) a means of transport will be responsible for all workers in terms produce, employment and after any appropriation of the means of production! Sure this may seem utopian vision as this would lead to similar jobs in other companies that initially mainly revolve around the need for an automobile, but I think a more practical example to those who subtly and consistently stated that the "Communists do not know how to govern, but just say no to everything," someone in 'universe frammentatissimo to the left of PD, does not; I do not want to go through any or populist, but sometimes it seems to me that the "communists" have been locked in a game the massacre to show who is more trozkista, more anarchist or Marxist Orthodox!

PS: If you are unable to make certain considerations to get some of that 'universe frammentatissimo to the left of PD, I'd be happy

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Aluminum Fishing Vessel


This phrase of a blogger in


@ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@

My answer: Never

hidden fact, many companies do not vote more, the myth that the turnout is right is a myth that goes back to Italy Democrat, when beams were outside the constitutional arch!
Today it is hard to admit that among those who abstained are just disgusted by the radical fringes of sinstra and moderate and radical leaders Shopkeeper

Capitalism whatever one may say many grillini strikes with the only option that really worries: COMMUNISM (because there are no other known way)!

If someone offers me the "capitalism with a human face" to send it loud FUCK!

If there was a communist to oversee the government would take the Fiat and sent to China, then a group of students and researchers to be given the task of putting on an innovative project to develop the workers from Termini Imerese in these are to hand over the factory, so that self-managed., abolishing private schools, such as private clinics, you regained all the natural resources and do not give in the hands of our own Privatissimo bourgeois parasites (Colaninno, Provera, De Benedetti, Berlusconi, Benetton etc.).

Capital fears only companions (most anarchists, the most orthodox), but does not fear anyone else, even those who make the apology representative democracy!

And the more it goes on, the more you have the ability and technology to overcome once and for all if the strength of the dominant economic concerns were not so prenetante in the lives of individual men!

There will always trouble the bogeyman of the purges, the sinkholes and the whole rotten beams and the middle class can reproach, but they'll do it for deligittamare the only alternative to the capitalist model!


Every good politician in life should know the two authors, antithetical, but fundamental to understand something of this world: Marx and Weber!