work takes up a bit 'air Sono un idiota! Si, mettiamo snobbismo anarchico sotto le scarpe e diamo retta a quel filosofo, of which I can not remember the name (I can think of one, but not write it for not making fool and do not search on the web as I write because I do not want), who said having to talk about their defects and go for free around their heads held high.
'm an idiot, because if my cynicism and coldness are my tools for the whole day not having to think deeply about everything that happens to me and the world, and try to make a selection on the issues on which the brain must strive to reflect, but often are a source of internal attrition, closure of any outlet and the road to emotional paralysis outside, but then when you do not take it anymore, when passion and poetry win over others two, explode, explode, but always doing wrong to those who love you, always involving those who should protect.
'm an idiot, because my strange way of relating to people is to be indifferent to those who hate, not giving them neither in good nor bad, but to reveal my worst sides to who I love, hurting, venting with them so awkward and clumsy, hot, without any rational thought and without being able to make myself understood.
'm an idiot, I say cold, rational, and after I take a little while
'air .