I would like to emphasize that the case Cesare Battisti , is not well explained or, better citizens Failure to remember the important things that may not be the extradition of the terrorist: is based on article 10, paragraph IV of the Constitution (" is not permitted the extradition of a foreigner for political offenses ) that an exception to extradition conetenuta .5 in Article of the Constitution Brazilian (' LII. shall not be granted the extradition of foreigners for political offenses or review ) both countries deny extradition for political crimes, and is therefore useless for our government calls for Lula, as however, that should take care of the Federal Supreme Court, again under a provision of a constitutional amendment Brazilian order (art.102 " E 'jurisdiction of the Supreme Federal Court primarily safeguards of the Constitution, belong: [..] g) extradition requested by a foreign state or [..]»).
This, I repeat, is not taking a position in favor of Baptists, but only as a "thin" to criticize the regime media, who will understand will understand, others will be ready to begin debate on an anachronistic " red terror. "
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