paraphrase the title of an old movie of Pozzetto e Verdone reported in this file (strictly in a proprietary format !...) sampling of my body mass during the first seven months of 2010 .
The graphical representation of that trend of my weight made with is:
In short I lost 7 kg (as the title of the post), from 86.8 kg to 79.8 kg should be noted that in the file and in chart for your convenience I have used as a unit of the ettogrammo [hg] to remove the comma.
I would like to say that such a structure (LIFO or stack) put the last pounds are the first to be eliminated and then go away easily, but in reality to my amazement the progress of my weight loss was fairly straightforward, with some bumps due mostly to pizza lunches grandparents, packs of Pringles and celebrations.
How did I lose weight? Boh. I just deleted a little 'junk (chocolate, cakes, biscuits, bread) and I replaced with quantities (including industrial) of yogurt, Nesquik milk and banana (during meals) mozzarella cheese, boiled eggs, vegetable soups (delicious soups of That's Amore Findus) and fruit up to explode.
Another rule that I gave myself: never skip meals, or do not activate the wonderful mechanism of digestion that could also end in negative balance.
Now I'm tired and I think that will conclude today with the sampling weight, and I suspect it also will stop making sacrifices at the table, perhaps because the sacrifices I made them only for science, to see graph it came out!
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