Friday, June 25, 2010

Long Dong Silver Part

The Prediction of Merlin

Tonight I appeared in a dream Maga Magò again, this time accompanied by his colleague Merlin.
She apologized for the incorrect predictions of the previous dream, and has put forward in mitigation, the following justifications:
  • Group A: 100% accurate prediction, Uruguay and Mexico first second;
  • Group B: 100% accurate prediction, Argentina and South Korea first second;
  • Group C: prophecy guessed only 25% (England qualified but as a second and not first);
  • Group D: prophecy guessed 50%, but Germany Ghana first seconds while she waited for Serbia;
  • Group E: prophecy guessed 50%, Holland and Japan, according to the first but she expected Denmark;
  • Group F: prophecy guessed 50%, Paraguay first but the second as she waited Slovakia Italy;
  • Group G: prophecy guessed 50%, are the qualified Brazil and Portugal that you have guessed, but oddly if waited for them in reverse order;
  • Group H: 100% accurate prediction, Spain and Chile, the first second.
All in all not much is wrong in the 90th minute among others also guessed 100% of the C group and did not expect that the U.S. would be able to score in the recovery. In this case would have guessed four rounds at 100% and the other 40 to 50%, with an average of 75% of prophecies guess, stuff that rivals the Divine Otelma ...

Now we Merlin: I said something like "Do not listen to that old witch, note here the results of the one true magician." It took me a note that read:

knockout round (with 3 surprises):
  • Uruguay beat South Korea
  • Ghana beats USA (!!!)
  • beat Holland Slovakia
  • Brazil beats Chile
  • Argentina beats Mexico
  • England beat Germany (!!!)
  • Paraguay beats Japan
  • Portugal beat Spain (!!!)

Quarterfinals (remain 4 South American teams!):
  • Uruguay beats Ghana
  • Brazil beat Holland
  • Argentina beat England
  • Paraguay beats Portugal

  • Brazil beats Uruguay
  • Argentina beat Paraguay

  • Argentina beats Brazil

Compared to what he said Maga Magò c ' is a few surprises, but otherwise the fun (Merlin) where is it? ...

Monday, June 21, 2010

South Park Episodes On Cydia Source

Full results World Cup 2010

Tonight I appeared in a dream Maga Magò and he revealed the results of World Cup taking place in South Africa. They seem a bit 'unlikely, as yet lacks the final 16 games of the group stage, and since that is given as the winning team coached by Maradona , but for the record, carry them here:

qualifiers group stage:

  • Group A: Uruguay and Mexico
  • Group B: Argentina and South Korea
  • Pool C: England and Slovenia
  • Group D: Germany and Serbia
  • Pool E: Holland and Denmark
  • Group F: Paraguay and Italy (qualificata!)
  • Group G: Portugal and Brazil (seconda!)
  • Group H: Spain and Chile

Second round:

  • Uruguay beat South Korea
  • Inghilterra batte Serbia
  • Olanda batte Italia
  • Portogallo batte Cile
  • Argentina batte Messico
  • Germania batte Slovenia
  • Paraguay batte Danimarca
  • Brasile batte Spagna

Quarti di finale:

  • Inghilterra batte Uruguay
  • Portogallo batte Olanda (Maga Magò era indecisa)
  • Argentina batte Germania
  • Brasile batte Paraguay


  • England beat Portugal
  • Argentina beats Brazil (!!!)


  • Argentina beat England

Friday, June 18, 2010

Breakfast At Tiffany's Tiffany Towers

The origins of my Anglophilia

That I'm deeply Anglophile everyone knows by now, but since they are, I do not even know me. To begin my investigation I tried to remember the events of my childhood and youth that had something to do with England, and has shown the following list.
  • When I was in first grade (he ran the school year 1977/78) gave me the album of the figurines' s Paddington Bear and I started collecting. I was so fond of that hairy dude with a raincoat (it always rains in London, no?) And the suitcase with the stickers, but the collection could not complete. Then one day, coming home from school with my mother, we opened the mailbox and found an envelope with a huge bunch of figurines, my mother had ordered all those who were missing, although they were really a lot and (I think) had to have spent an asset. It's been 32 years but I still remember that moment (I was 6-7 years) as one of the most beautiful of my life: I have to keep in mind when I try to impress my children. Too bad then that that album is no longer complete (no, not the least selling it on eBay for any price in the world!).

  • During the next years of elementary school, with compagnetti we started talking about cars "dream" (at least for us!). Well, the most popular models were obviously two of them parked near the Elementary School "Giuseppe Mazzini" (now called "Ortigia"), and in particular a Triumph TR7 (because of the fog "hidden", which for us at that time were fiction) Rover and a 2600 (we thought it was the biggest car with the engine in the world, at least in the world who came to park near the school). I wonder if I thought that the Rover when I chose my current "Three Liters" ...

  • Apart "robottoni with horns" designed by Japanese Go Nagai, one of the programs that most fascinated me was a series of Doctor Who and I think that it was the fourth series , played by Tom Baker . I still remember an episode with a question of logic like this: two robot guards, one always tells the truth and the other always lies, but do not know which of the two. We have to ask (in a hurry!) Which of two buttons, press the girl will die otherwise. Doctor Who thinks for a moment and then asks one of the two guards at random: "If I asked the other guard which button to press, what do you say?". Received the answer, press the other button and obviously the answer because the robot has a correct answer in sequence with a reversed. Now I feel silly, but at that time (I was still a child) are due to explain to me many times by my sister, and I shudder to think what would essere intelligente questo Doctor Who...

  • A Dicembre del 1984 mio padre regalò a mia sorella (costo: 720'000 Lire) un home computer Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K. Lei non lo usò mai, ma da bravo geek in erba nel corso degli anni spesi con quel rottame dai tasti di gomma una quantità innumerabile di ore diurne e soprattutto notturne. Non solo giocando, ma soprattutto programmando dapprima in BASIC e poi in Linguaggio Macchina (no, non l'Assembler Z80, proprio il linguaggio macchina, codificavo le istruzioni carta e penna e le scrivevo in memoria con le POKE, poi salvavo...). Il primo Spectrum fuse più volte (non era stato progettato per le temperature sicule), quindi ad un certo punto acquistai uno Spectrum + ("plus") dal marito di mia cugina (costo: 500'000 Lire). Oltre al suo speccy mi diede anche una montagna di musicassette di programmi e un camion di riviste in inglese ( Sinclair User , Your Sinclair , CRASH ). Dopo molti anni sono stato così stupido da cercare di vendere quelle riviste su eBay per sgombrare un mobile: essendo la mia prima vendita su eBay ho inserito delle spese di spedizione approssimative ed è finita che per spedire il pacco al tizio olandese che si è aggiudicato l'asta ho speso più di quello che mi ha dato complessivamente...
  • All'inizio del Liceo scoprii i Beatles : all'inizio non avevo neanche bisogno di comprare nulla perché c'era già qualche vinile a casa. Poi un giorno andai da Moscuzza ad acquistare l'album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, temendo che non sapessero di cosa si trattasse, anche perché erano passati 20 lunghi anni dalla sua uscita. Non solo il commesso capì di cosa stavo parlando senza neanche farmi finire il nome dell'album, ma vidi che c'era una enorme scatola piena di Sgt. Pepper di vinile proprio di fianco alla cassa, come se fosse ancora uno degli album più richiesti. Devo essere particolarmente grato alla mia passione per i Beatles perché molto dell'inglese parlato che mastico tutt'oggi lo devo proprio al fatto have studied the lyrics of all the most important songs. And now I also have "a couple of kids running in the yard" ...
All the things I listed are obviously English "doc", and I'm still probably forgetting something. For example, after the Spectrum I was interested in computer Acorn Archimedes with one of the first ARM processor or Advanced RISC Machines (ARM is a Cambridge but was Archimedes of Syracuse). Or should I mention the fact that after buying a home in Syracuse Via Arsenal have become a fan of 'Arsenal FC for reasons of homonymy-mouse ... Not to mention that now are a sample the fantastic game of darts .

However, my research continues ... maybe if I try the links that I had in my life with another country if, say, Uzbekistan, maybe I find that I could write an equally long list ...