Tonight I appeared in a dream Maga Magò and he revealed the results of World Cup taking place in South Africa. They seem a bit 'unlikely, as yet lacks the final 16 games of the group stage, and since that is given as the winning team coached by Maradona , but for the record, carry them here:
qualifiers group stage:
- Group A: Uruguay and Mexico
- Group B: Argentina and South Korea
- Pool C: England and Slovenia
- Group D: Germany and Serbia
- Pool E: Holland and Denmark
- Group F: Paraguay and Italy (qualificata!)
- Group G: Portugal and Brazil (seconda!)
- Group H: Spain and Chile
Second round:
- Uruguay beat South Korea
- Inghilterra batte Serbia
- Olanda batte Italia
- Portogallo batte Cile
- Argentina batte Messico
- Germania batte Slovenia
- Paraguay batte Danimarca
- Brasile batte Spagna
Quarti di finale:
- Inghilterra batte Uruguay
- Portogallo batte Olanda (Maga Magò era indecisa)
- Argentina batte Germania
- Brasile batte Paraguay
- England beat Portugal
- Argentina beats Brazil (!!!)
- Argentina beat England
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