Friday, June 25, 2010

Long Dong Silver Part

The Prediction of Merlin

Tonight I appeared in a dream Maga Magò again, this time accompanied by his colleague Merlin.
She apologized for the incorrect predictions of the previous dream, and has put forward in mitigation, the following justifications:
  • Group A: 100% accurate prediction, Uruguay and Mexico first second;
  • Group B: 100% accurate prediction, Argentina and South Korea first second;
  • Group C: prophecy guessed only 25% (England qualified but as a second and not first);
  • Group D: prophecy guessed 50%, but Germany Ghana first seconds while she waited for Serbia;
  • Group E: prophecy guessed 50%, Holland and Japan, according to the first but she expected Denmark;
  • Group F: prophecy guessed 50%, Paraguay first but the second as she waited Slovakia Italy;
  • Group G: prophecy guessed 50%, are the qualified Brazil and Portugal that you have guessed, but oddly if waited for them in reverse order;
  • Group H: 100% accurate prediction, Spain and Chile, the first second.
All in all not much is wrong in the 90th minute among others also guessed 100% of the C group and did not expect that the U.S. would be able to score in the recovery. In this case would have guessed four rounds at 100% and the other 40 to 50%, with an average of 75% of prophecies guess, stuff that rivals the Divine Otelma ...

Now we Merlin: I said something like "Do not listen to that old witch, note here the results of the one true magician." It took me a note that read:

knockout round (with 3 surprises):
  • Uruguay beat South Korea
  • Ghana beats USA (!!!)
  • beat Holland Slovakia
  • Brazil beats Chile
  • Argentina beats Mexico
  • England beat Germany (!!!)
  • Paraguay beats Japan
  • Portugal beat Spain (!!!)

Quarterfinals (remain 4 South American teams!):
  • Uruguay beats Ghana
  • Brazil beat Holland
  • Argentina beat England
  • Paraguay beats Portugal

  • Brazil beats Uruguay
  • Argentina beat Paraguay

  • Argentina beats Brazil

Compared to what he said Maga Magò c ' is a few surprises, but otherwise the fun (Merlin) where is it? ...


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