Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Whats Does Aztec Tatoos Mean In Prison

Digital art: the big trend that is changing the market

L ' arte digitale  sta rivoluzionando il  mercato artistico tradizionale ? La mia risposta è un deciso sì. Prendo spunto da uno splendido articolo scritto e segnalatomi da  Manuel Faliero Lassi , che consiglio a tutti di leggere (lo potete trovare al seguente indirizzo web:  Arte, Reti Sociali, Terapia di Gruppo e Esorcismo ).
L'articolo è interessante perché offre una panoramica su alcuni ongoing processes in the current art market . In particular, I find that very well photographed is an evolutionary process that has always existed in art but in recent times has been a very strong acceleration ... or the ratio of artist, artwork and client .
When we talk about this relationship today, 're talking about the degeneration of trade value in the commercial art world, which is particularly evident and perhaps for this very frightening.
My personal opinion is that at the same time to the process of democratization of art "took place with the move to digital, is to emphasize a progressive downsizing of commercial value of the artist and artwork.
This is a real paradox, since the increase of the value of art in the individual life of each one of us follow a simultaneous decrease in the value of new works, because in fact we are "awash with information and pseudo-visual art" (Lassi).
The great trend of art, music and publishing digital door by a mass art market (typical stereotype of the century now ended) to a true e propria massa di mercati (Anderson) dove ogni singola nicchia artistica diventa troppo piccola ed elitaria per soddisfare la fame d'ingenti riscontri commerciali.
Se da un lato, grazie ad internet, oggi esiste un'occasione di visibilità per chiunque, dall'altro questa stessa democrazia da palcoscenico collettivo toglie attenzione ed interesse agli artisti più importanti.
Un concetto che Manuel Lassi ha saputo cogliere egregiamente nel suo articolo, e che non mancherà di tornare alla ribalta quando analizzeremo l' evoluzione del mercato artistico in the coming years.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Upconvert Dvd Players

writing courses and events for writers: the latest initiatives

Dear Friends Cultural Marketing , today I would like some initiatives dedicated to independent writers. This is real training in the publishing world.
The first is entitled " Working in publishing : dal manoscritto al libro" e partirà a Palermo nell'ottobre di questo anno. La proposta formativa è piuttosto interessante, la potete trovare al seguente indirizzo web: Navarra Editore .
A Modena si terrà invece " Scrittori si nasce... e si diventa! ", un vero e proprio corso di scrittura creativa promosso e condotto da Elena Gollini. Al corso dedicato agli aspiring writers attended several emerging authors who tell their personal experience.
Finally we announce the next Festival of books and writing , to be held in San Jose Vesuvius in the month of December, getting ready, so that is already available calendar event. You can consult the following address: Festival of Books and Writing

Monday, September 13, 2010

School Function Welcome Speech

publish poetry: how to leverage the Internet to succeed

Pubblicare poesie è un'attività che presenta molte peculiarità nel campo editoriale, tanto che esistono case editrici specializzate in poesia ed un pubblico di riferimento altrettanto specialistico. Per dirla in parole semplici, il campo della poesia è una vera e propria nicchia di mercato; vale tanto per gli writers of poetry As for publishers and readers.
The main problem publish poetry in Italy is probably the same as Italian. As the poem a rather elite field, the Italian language has only limited evidence of spreading (a book of poetry reaching sales for 1000 or 2000 copies is already a success). This is something that is not stressed enough, because the authors of poetry of English can count on a stage of hundreds of millions of potential readers and thus have more opportunities for sales and success.
The first problem that confronted the writer of poetry who want to publish his collection of poems in Italy is therefore relevant to the content of the work or the difficulties of finding a publisher, but rather to the small market with which to confront.
One can certainly get much help from the web, than in the past because it allows new ways of disseminating their work. In the Internet example, you can publish poetry free , how to provide some clips of their work for publicity purposes without incurring any cost of dissemination.
This is definitely an opportunity unthinkable until a few years ago, even though most of the authors of poetry is not yet fully aware. Very few writers of poetry which had already opened a website containing your art curriculum and some poems of reference, but two simple tools that can potentially guide the reader interested.
On the Internet you can also start a series of actions marketing culturale ed editoriale a costo zero. L'autore di poesie può beneficiare enormemente dai propri sforzi di promozione digitale; è possibile ad esempio ottenere recensioni su internet, coinvolgere i lettori appassionati di poesia su forum e gruppi tematici, ottenere visibilità da blogger ed associazioni culturali e molto altro ancora.
Il problema di fondo è che tantissimi  poeti emergenti hanno grandi potenzialità e conoscenze nel campo letterario, ma non sono ancora dotati delle competenze di self marketing per promuovere la propria attività poetica su internet. Si tratta di un Too bad because the Web has the potential to really help writers of poetry, but only if it decided in the deployment of their time to understand the mechanisms promotions.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Clear Acrylic Sealer As Fixatif

Curriculum Artistico: consigli e suggerimenti per centrare il successo

The Artistic Curriculum is one of the most simple and yet effective in getting attention and visibility to of their target audience. Whether you practice as a professional artist , whether you make the musician, writer or any other work in the field of culture, an artistic curriculum well done will provide invaluable support to your career .
Let's see a practical definition of art curriculum and some suggestions to make it more effective. What is CV Artistic ? As with any other mestiere, si tratta di un quadro completo sulle esperienze lavorative e professionali che hanno contraddistinto la carriera dell'artista sino ad oggi.
Perché questo strumento è così fondamentale in campo artistico? Perché rispetto ad altre tipologie di lavori nei quali si è maggiormente legati al "posto fisso", il professionista artistico è alla continua ricerca sia di buone commesse ed occasioni lavorative, sia d'importanti progressi nella propria carriera artistica . Diventa quindi evidente la maggior attenzione che un artista deve assegnare a questo importante elemento professionale, compared to other work roles.
Let's take a practical example: an independent artist for the art curriculum is used constantly searching for new galleries, new dealers or distributors of their works or if you are contacted by journalists and critics' art. The CV is therefore a true artistic Mat for anything that goes beyond the simple exchange of business cards.
At the same time, these people use the CV to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist's quick and fairly accurate (to see if it is a figure of interest) Therefore, the art curriculum should be simple, clear and well defined to read in its entirety.
In general, the standard that we recommend is to use the European standard international, you can easily find on the internet. If you want to know where to start, you can have a good idea with the list found below:
  1. information and personal details. This category, for example Name, Address, Contact Phone, ect. (It may be appropriate to display the name and number in each page of the curriculum).
  2. Art Education and training. Any kind of artistic training, starting from the classical and recognized at the state level, and finally in workshops, seminars and more specific.
  3. Awards and artistic competitions. Any kind of artistic award or recognition you have received, listed in order of time.
  4. artistic performances. The full list of artistic events, exhibitions and art fairs in which you participated.
  5. Commissions . All the work you have done on commission, listed in order of time.
  6. Collections . Remember to include both public and private collections connected to your artwork.
  7. agent or dealer representative current . More generally, any professional in the field of art to represent you or that you're doing to artists' agent.
  8. Other information you would like to add.
Each of these points must be addressed comprehensively and with maximum trasparenza, cercando di mantenere la maggior obiettività possibile. Il curriculum artistico dovrebbe inoltre risultare sempre aggiornato (è ad esempio consigliabile inserire la data dell'ultimo aggiornamento).
Una volta che avrete terminato di redarre il vostro CV artistico , il consiglio è quello di utilizzarlo come punto di leva per il vostro talento nel campo dell'arte e dello spettacolo; ad esempio potete pubblicarlo online all'interno del vostro sito web, in modo da renderlo facilmente raggiungibile attraverso un link o tramite l'invio di una email.
Moreover, this simple move will be of enormous benefit to the indexing of your art curriculum through the content search engine, which means that when someone searches for your name on Google will find your artistic CV between The main results offered.
put into practice these simple tips will give you a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe types of results that can be achieved through the establishment and maintenance of a good curriculum artistic or musical, not only on paper but also on the Internet through the digital fee.