L'articolo è interessante perché offre una panoramica su alcuni ongoing processes in the current art market . In particular, I find that very well photographed is an evolutionary process that has always existed in art but in recent times has been a very strong acceleration ... or the ratio of artist, artwork and client .
When we talk about this relationship today, 're talking about the degeneration of trade value in the commercial art world, which is particularly evident and perhaps for this very frightening.
My personal opinion is that at the same time to the process of democratization of art "took place with the move to digital, is to emphasize a progressive downsizing of commercial value of the artist and artwork.
This is a real paradox, since the increase of the value of art in the individual life of each one of us follow a simultaneous decrease in the value of new works, because in fact we are "awash with information and pseudo-visual art" (Lassi).
The great trend of art, music and publishing digital door by a mass art market (typical stereotype of the century now ended) to a true e propria massa di mercati (Anderson) dove ogni singola nicchia artistica diventa troppo piccola ed elitaria per soddisfare la fame d'ingenti riscontri commerciali.
Se da un lato, grazie ad internet, oggi esiste un'occasione di visibilità per chiunque, dall'altro questa stessa democrazia da palcoscenico collettivo toglie attenzione ed interesse agli artisti più importanti.
Un concetto che Manuel Lassi ha saputo cogliere egregiamente nel suo articolo, e che non mancherà di tornare alla ribalta quando analizzeremo l' evoluzione del mercato artistico in the coming years.
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