Il caro amico Carlo Lesma (che ringrazio) mi segnala su Facebook il link di un'interessante spot dell' Amazon Kindle , basato su di una pubblicità comparativa indiretta (perché il nome dell' iPad aleggia per the whole movie, but is never mentioned in a transparent manner).
As often happens in the best tradition of American advertising, the goal is the emphasis on the strengths of ' ebook reader : extreme clarity of the screen compared to the devices 'active', lightness and ease of device , last but not least, it's surprisingly affordable.
course, fall by the wayside in the spot the incomparable talents of multimedia characterizing devices such as the iPad, but those who really need when you are sitting in the solarium of the pool or beach?
bias or otherwise of the argument is quite interesting to note the evolution of iPad challenge / Kindle strokes of commercials is the demonstration of a strong vitality of the sector and the capacity of a device like the Kindle to pass the test market, where many people gave up for lost in the introduction dell'iPad.
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