Pubblicare poesie è un'attività che presenta molte peculiarità nel campo editoriale, tanto che esistono case editrici specializzate in poesia ed un pubblico di riferimento altrettanto specialistico. Per dirla in parole semplici, il campo della poesia è una vera e propria nicchia di mercato; vale tanto per gli writers of poetry As for publishers and readers.
The main problem publish poetry in Italy is probably the same as Italian. As the poem a rather elite field, the Italian language has only limited evidence of spreading (a book of poetry reaching sales for 1000 or 2000 copies is already a success). This is something that is not stressed enough, because the authors of poetry of English can count on a stage of hundreds of millions of potential readers and thus have more opportunities for sales and success.
The first problem that confronted the writer of poetry who want to publish his collection of poems in Italy is therefore relevant to the content of the work or the difficulties of finding a publisher, but rather to the small market with which to confront.
One can certainly get much help from the web, than in the past because it allows new ways of disseminating their work. In the Internet example, you can publish poetry free , how to provide some clips of their work for publicity purposes without incurring any cost of dissemination.
This is definitely an opportunity unthinkable until a few years ago, even though most of the authors of poetry is not yet fully aware. Very few writers of poetry which had already opened a website containing your art curriculum and some poems of reference, but two simple tools that can potentially guide the reader interested.
On the Internet you can also start a series of actions marketing culturale ed editoriale a costo zero. L'autore di poesie può beneficiare enormemente dai propri sforzi di promozione digitale; è possibile ad esempio ottenere recensioni su internet, coinvolgere i lettori appassionati di poesia su forum e gruppi tematici, ottenere visibilità da blogger ed associazioni culturali e molto altro ancora.
Il problema di fondo è che tantissimi poeti emergenti hanno grandi potenzialità e conoscenze nel campo letterario, ma non sono ancora dotati delle competenze di self marketing per promuovere la propria attività poetica su internet. Si tratta di un Too bad because the Web has the potential to really help writers of poetry, but only if it decided in the deployment of their time to understand the mechanisms promotions.
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