Dear Baby Jesus,This year you have taken away my favorite singer, Michael Jackson,my favorite actor, Patrick Swayze,my favorite actress, Farrah Fawcett,my favorite announcer, Mike Bongiorno,my poet favorite Merini Alda.
I wanted to tell you that my favorite politician is Silvio Berlusconi,and that the year is not over yet!
Friday, December 25, 2009
How X-rays Changed History
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Valco Ice Skating Price
Interesting interview to ' former Minister Giuseppe Zamberletti the Big One will hit the eastern Sicily:
Matlab Plp Generator R2007b
gentilemente offerto da Max Weber ...intelligentemente usato ai miei scopi :)
Weber individua tre tipi di potere: quello razionale-legale, il tradizionale, il potere carismatico. Il potere legale è istituzionalizzato, burocaratizzato e chi lo detiene è soggetto alle regole tanto quanto chi lo subisce(diffuso nelle società occidentali), quello tradizionale prende la sua legittimazione dalla forza delle tradizione, ma lo stesso sovrano è soggetto alla tradizione, non può abusare della sua posizione per contrastarla, poi vi è charismatic power that is the allocation of extraordinary ability, which may have connotations for those who suffer even magical, in this case there is a spontaneous acceptance of the dominated to the charismatic power, the pact that he constantly gives evidence of having one or more charismatic ability, if he can afford all this in the eyes of the dominated!
Now think, how can a right vulgar (perhaps seriously liberal-conservative) to hold the power in a Western state like the Italian one that has one of the most successful constitutions of the modern age?
Just one day neo-fascist, mafia, piduisti, upper middle class si uniscano e trovano un "venditore di pentole magiche" il quale inizia la sua popolarità con grandi successi, uno dopo l'altro, uno in ogni settore: immobiliare, mediatico, sportivo, la caricatura del capitalista vincente che tutto ciò che tocca diventa oro, nonostante grilli parlanti che mettono in guardia, un bel giorno il vincente scende nel campo politico, mette in gioco la sua "imprenditorialità" per ottenere potere politico, e come fa un popolo scentificamente manipolato per una decina d'anni a non credere all'uomo vincente, come può non credere che nella cosa pubblica non otterrà successi simili al suo Milan?
Eccovi servita l'incondizionato consenso di parte dei dominati, acritici verso il vincente, che solo History will brand for what it really was: a seller of pots magic "
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Long Period Perimenopause
now runs the network an updated version that also appears with Marrazzo Transit (Ford) ... No comment!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Acog Scope For Airsoft
Between his sentences to remember:
Italians are almost African, almost European, almost island, almost modern, almost pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel almost. We always keep a door open for the "almost" allows us to remain on the square.
... I Sicily is not a newspaper or illiberal mafia: it is a provincial newspaper, with a lot of mistakes.
Then I like the people, the granita. Without being arcisiciliano. I will not communicate with my ancestors when I eat a grenade.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Hdmi Laptop Sound To Receiver
Honour then the mythological Ford Escort dusted off in a cartoon / photo montage of the blog Votantonio . ..
Honeyrose Cigarettes Nyc
Heaven is that place where:
- lovers are Italian
- the cooks are French
- the mechanics are German
- the policemen are British and
- Everything is coordinated by the Swiss
Instead Hell is that place where:
- lovers are Swiss
- the cooks are English
- the mechanics are French
- the policemen are German
- and everything is coordinated by the Italians ...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Can You Get Herpes On Forehead?
The electoral law is a crap and will remain so whatever happens!
The first question (purple card) covers, in brief, repeal of, the prize of the majority coalition with the most votes in the House, and in case of repeal the prize will go to the only party with the most votes! The second question
card (Beige) is similar to the first, the difference is that here it is the Senate
The third question (green board) proposes the repeal of multiple applications, namely the restoration of the opportunity to stand in one circoscrizione e non in tutte
comunque per maggiori e più dettagliate informazioni vi rimando ad un sito, che fa campagna per "tre Si":
Due cose da dire, il referendum è uno strumento di Democrazia Diretta, seppur in Italia sia solo abrogativo(salvo per referendum costituzionale), e qualsiasi scelta venga fatta, questa avrà peso politico: l'astensione ha un suo peso nel referendum, a differenza delle elezioni politiche o amministrative, nelle quali le discussioni sulla reale forza e utilità dell'astensionismo sono sempre "di moda"
L'altra cosa sono le mi indicazioni, io come organizzatore del comitato referendario virtuale "Do not dare" ^ _ ^ have to go to the polls and express my opinion and mine is: NO NO YES! A xenophobic League that will affect on the work of government and absolute freedom to act in the PDL or shopkeepers piduisti of PD, I prefer that there are at least a conflict of political powers here are my two NO to the first two questions, the third I think is a What common sense answer YES, and maybe, despite the electoral law remains a crap, it will reduce the game from the nominees!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Dupage County Jail Look Up Inmates
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Automatic Door Hinge Pin
"In the world we are known for something of negative ... What you call blister ...Benigni was a genius all know by now, and I like a good Sicilian I can confirm that Sicily is effectively overwhelmed at least three wounds, except that mine is wanting to confirm the number, the three plagues mentioned in the film should be at least extended to include concepts wider.
A terrible, and you know what I mean: Etna, the volcano, but it is a natural beauty ...
But there is another serious that no one can solve, she has already figured out ... The Drought ... Burn the land and drought, a bad thing ... But it is the nature ... and we can not do anything ...
But where a man can do something and does nothing, is the third and most serious of these wounds That defames really Sicily, you have already understood, it is useless for me to tell him, I am ashamed to say it: The Traffic ... too many cars ... traffic swirling that makes us enemies families against families. "What
I think the first plague that afflicts Sicily, at least in its eastern part, are The Earthquakes . There is a dangerous fault line that runs along the Ionian coast and history teaches that the energy that accumulates in the ground should be issued periodically. will be helpful to take a quick look at the latest edition of the seismic hazard map of the country, issued by ' National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology :
From a closer look shows that in Italy areas in the range of likely acceleration major (indigo) are present in only two regions of Italy: Sicily and Calabria. I do not want the Calabrian indigo but the part marked in their region, passing through an area (the Sila) is not densely populated, than the speech for Sicily:
In short even Civil Defence has recently announced that Syracuse is the area with the greatest seismic hazard of Italy, and fun for people who live there, especially considering what materials have been poorly built our homes, schools, etc.
According to me the second wound is The Hot . There bisogno di Al Gore per capire che una terra che per 4 mesi all'anno presenta temperature invivibili per l'uomo (ovviamente senza l'uso di climatizzatori e condizionatori) non può avere altro futuro che la desertificazione.
Infine secondo me la terza piaga che affligge la Sicilia sono Gli Italiani : sono dovunque, non c'è bisogno di girare molto per trovarli, basta avvicinarsi alle strisce pedonali e cercare di attraversare. Oppure basta cercare di fare una coda in un ufficio o negozio affollato non munito di scontrini con numero elimina-code. Oppure basta partecipare ad un appalto pubblico per sentirsi chiedere una mazzetta come se fosse la cosa più normale the world. Or vice versa, just open any business being asked for protection money (yes, I think the Mafia deliberately omitted Advocate / uncle is a sub Italianness).
I do not know if I die buried in the rubble of my house-like concrete, but if I'll have a heart attack under the August sun, or even while I am overwhelmed by the pedestrian crossing: for sure but I know by heart a citation of animated film Madagascar :
you keep a secret, two-color friend? Have you ever seen penguins walk the streets of New York City? Of course not. Not This is our place, it is our habitat, this is a kind of infernal trap crazy! We go there in the boundless spaces of Antarctica! In nature!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Military Retirement Cartoons
scientific materialism, the crowd cheered unconscious
yet it seemed that Marx had other
the 'ideal man' come true
by powers historically adverse to
the bureaucratization of life that will give what is now avoids
An empire
impersonal and alienating rather than a community gets.
Cirdondato only by the individual nothing
now precarious, but technological
like a general who does not learn
blindness and is thrown to the dragon, instead of dwelling on the shore
Monday, May 18, 2009
Biffy Clyro Mountains Piano
opinion, the historical process of Italian fascism, to blame the Socialist leadership that he could not pursue a "revolutionary project" during the Red Biennium.
do not know the particular circumstances of Rinaldini, I find some good rush of workers, I find it very negative and disappointing that the difference between French workers who kidnap the manager, with the Italians, who railed against the unions, not at all innocent.
offenders, but which abbreviations, and that hierarchical level? A representative
FIOM guilty? not a CISL, UIL is not one, not a UGL, or a secretary NATIONAL CGIL, because Milan was Fiom attaccata tempi fa anche dalla direzione centrale della Cgil.
Questo avvenimento potrebbe far riflettere molto come certi rapporti di forza nella classe lavoratrice, ma anche nell'intera società italiana, siano cambiati: alla fine si vede uno scambio di battute fra "compagni", ed uno da dello stalinista ad un altro.
Un Parlamento spostato tutto a destra, tra cui i "liberisti" del PD e il liberal-conservatore IDV, è sintomo che nella popolazione c'è stato comunque uno spostamento a destra(su alcune cause sappiamo perchè i "mezzi" stanno a destra, come un pezzettino-ino ino- di verità sta anche negli slogan dei pidiellini/leghisti)
La classe lavoratrice, gli italiani, se vogliono scaldarsi, è ora che sappiano anche chi sia il loro nemico naturale e storico: se la nostra rabbia si scaglia su immigrati e sindacalisti, "lor signori" hanno già vinto in partenza!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
What's The Difference Between Minohd And Ultra
Questa guida è fatta per istruire i "novellini" su come ottenere una copia bella&pronta di Ubuntu e rimandare tutti qui senza più ripetere decine di righe in chat ^_^ procedere all'installazione*, più che guida vera e propria è un elenco di link con mie integrazioni
Siete in ambiente Windows e avete voglia di buttare Xp o Vista provare alternative al vostro attuale sistema. Consiglio per novellissimi, ma volentorosi: nessuna vi ucciderà se decidete per un dual-boot(due operating systems on a PC) and if you start to use a purely domestic (web, chat, music, movies, downloads, photos, etc. ..)... management after smadonnato really spent any time you can decide to throw your Windows system and find solutions for your professional work
Firstly you must obtain a copy of Ubuntu, currently the latest stable version is 9.04: this address / find an easy support to download your ISO , select the "Desktop Edition," the 8.04 is the LTS (Long Term Support) version with support for longer time, more experienced scgriderebbero me, but you choose novellissimi all the x86 architecture, even if you have an AMD or a 64bit processor, the server and choose to suit your personal needs also decide the last two options: they concern computer "Vecchiotti" (the first option in case of problems with the Live-CD that you create, "checkatela" even if you have in your hands the ultimate nuclear NASA) or if you own notebook ... Click "Start Download"
You can also choose to download via torrent , go here and choose the version, as the first ever for "desktop" and for the x86 architecture and "alternate" for PC or Vecchiotti then " ubuntu-desktop-9.4-i386.iso.torrent " or "ubuntu- 4.9-alternate-i386.iso.torrent "and started to download through a torrent client such as BitTorrent .
Once your ISO will need to burn it, follow this link you'll have all the instructions to burn it, if you have problems I can use suggerirvei Daemon Tools, with which, once installed, you can read your ISO (Daemon acts as a CD / DVD rom virtual) simply by mounting or "read" with this little program and then with a burning program will do a "Hard Copy" (or similar items)
now you should have your FREE copy and functioning of the live-CD of Ubuntu for now you can put in your drive, restart the computer, boot from cd-rom and try Ubuntu without changing anything
At the moment, for those who wish to undertake the installation, I refer you to Powered by MediaWiki wiki.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Which Capsule Dissolves Fastest
international day of mobilization against nuclear energy.
April 25th-26th 2009 - International Days of Action Against Nuclear Power
25-26 avril 2009
Journées Internationales de Mobilisation Contre le nucléaire.
Follow the information provided by the committees who participate.
Link to official site:
report it to local committees in your region or your city and are planning any action near this date internationally.
Convince them to join and sign up.
Download the banner and then connect your website, blog, forum or web page to the Chernobyl Day:
-time status actual accessions, federal initiatives and events is always available on the same site here:
Report to the Media and Information Agencies of each tipo e natura l'evento che si apprestano ad ignorare e censurare in modo Intere$$ato.
Visto il Piano Energetico e le forzature alla Caiman del Governo... quest'anno il Chernobyl Day avrebbe dovuto divenire una priorità, un'occasione per concentrare ed Unire i No ad un modo di produzione che NON ha nulla da difendere.
Restituiamo al Chernobyl Day la degna Priorità a partire dal coinvolgimento individuale prendendo per una volta Concreta distanza dalle "priorità" elettoraliste e di mercato.
▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ Informazioni in Italiano sui promotori ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼
Cosa è il Chi sono? Cosa c'è dietro?
L'iniziativa è coordinata da Sortir du Nucléaire (Francia) - - Una federazione di 842 associazioni.
Le giornate di mobilitazione evidenzieranno manifestazioni, assemblee, convegni, incontri anche locali, petizioni ed anche iniziative web.
Questa associazione ha quindi proposto anche un sito apposito - attualmente in 3 lingue. Con un ricco menu per accedere ad ulteriori informazioni ed aggiornamenti sullo stato delle adesioni.
Per aderire vi è una modulistica dove si è invitati a segnalare le iniziative of their local or national committee should be.
So all initiatives which are recorded, evaluated and lead to the exact details of contact persons, regardless of the part of the world interested.
▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼
Who is "No Nukes"? What's behind? He worked for the CIA? Or to "bank" KGB? Which makes the electoral interests?
"No Nukes" is employed in Turin, which is the name of Massimo Greek - who can be contacted at 349 / / / 5661115 - No member of any party and not even "Fan" and disengaged from any commercial motive. What
after breaking the bales at length on this event (probably not enough) just hopes to have met affinity and friends interested in making sure that what has been organized this year in the world not affected by the Chernobyl Day censorship.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Karate Belt Display Rack Plans

21:55 pm, the bus stops at the intersection Tiburtina / Portonaccio.
After a day started badly due to bad weather and consequent bad mood and other thoughts, those who defend the palaces they put a smile Tiburtina I tried very true today!
Moody! I already know to stay, or at least give the impression, on a pedestal and judge the mob!
mobs do not mean the end to social and economic policy used by the oligarchy, but what do you succumb to it without wanting to understand the mechanics! I mean when mobs, referring to Western people, and with appropriate means that throw all the cultural baggage European to try to reach, or look like a little, a social model absurd idea that seems to reign is fully legitimate in order to show the largest auto group, is fully legitimate to show the dress "signed over" the country is fully legitimate to believe all of the small Briatore! While on the one hand
nourish the media bombardment of social models, to put it mildly satanic other the mob you are not accounting for how we are committing suicide by using a white powder, which most often is cut with anesthetics! Far be it from me to the rod, but the paradoxical thing is to see that it is becoming a challenge to easily find two barrels, while the coca soon give to you at the bar with coffee!
Reflection difficult to understand perhaps, but I would point out my bad mood Gurd this rabble who wastes his energy to be pussy and blowjob, but completely disinterested in understanding the play of those who dream to buy it SUV's while simultaneously doing everything to keep it tight leash!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Remove Grand Am Rear Deck

Capitalism has collapsed when the U.S., top representatives of the "free market", used his hand to repair the damage state of bankers and high-finance!
For many it is as if nothing had happened, for others, genetically critical of the ruling class, started a new phase, too indecipherable as to what will come, but there are concerns in seeing all the repressive measures of the Member in respect strikes and demonstrations (see Italy or handling. technocrat Lisbon Europe)!
The risk based, is to see out of the sewers serve the worst of capitalism: the neo-fascists, sempre buoni per la borghesia capitalista per soffocare la protesta civile ed un ipotetico ammiccamento alle dottrine socialiste da parte dei popoli!
Ancora non conosco una "Terza via", fin a quel momento l'attuale sistema di sviluppo neoliberista può essere contrastato solo con il socialismo in economia e un tocco di dottrina anarchica nell'apparato istituzionale!
Tutto ciò che sta accadendo in questi mesi fu "previsto"(calcolato con lungimiranza) da Marx!
Il potere ed alcuni lacchè e ottusi a queste parole non risponderanno mai nel merito, ma citeranno fuori la Corea del Nord, Cuba(paragonandola sempre con la Norvegia e MAI con il resto delle isole caraibiche sotto influenza American), will pull out of the Stalinist Soviet Union, but never take it that no one with the worst criminal and the political and economic thoughts: CAPITALISM!
would be enough for the lackeys, for a second to take the role of the worker in Chile, the African farmer, the unemployed Middle Eastern to see things from another perspective today, not 10.20 or 30 years ago and no answer charges capitalism with anachronistic phrases inculcated by the neoliberal pensée unique!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
What Is The Best External Flash For Canon 50d
So yesterday I had the patience to arm and had to write a cancellation letter which follows (the reading is uplifting in a way that explains step by step I had to endure the ups and downs).

Thursday, February 19, 2009
How To Play Mouthwash On The Piano
In computing there is a well-known programming language whose name is written C + + and that in English is pronounced roughly "is plas plas" , well, in Italy with a questionable melting pot language this language common usage is often called "We plas plas" , or with the initial letter delivered in Italian language and the symbols of addition with the pronunciation English.
Why do not all pronounce it in Italian? The diction "there more than" we would do more honor, but also for the more Anglophone version international "is plas plas" should be just fine. It 's the mix that is really horrible!
It 's a case similar to that of the American Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI in short, an acronym that for some strange historical reason we read in Italy officially "bi effe to" ( instead of "the bi effe " all in Italian or" f bi to " all in English ...).
I say that in this case is became official pronunciation is wrong, because now not only used but also in common use in films and TV series produced in Italian or dubbed anyway.
Mah! Better go eat some 'bran ...
Monday, February 16, 2009
Kates Playground Gold Dress
At the very kind reception secretary showed him the catalog, on which it is stated:
brain of an engineer: CHF 15,000 / KgStartled, he exclaims: "One million francs a kilo! Excuse me miss, but because of the physical brain cost so much?"
brain of mathematician: CHF 30,000 / Kg
physical brain: 1'000'000 CHF / Kg
And the secretary replied: "But you know how many we kill to put together a kilo?"
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Images Of Nelson’s Syndrome
For those who were not Aboriginal I point out that in Italianate Siciliano is very common to use expressions like "Enter the car in the garage" , "Exit the water from the fridge" , "Go shopping" or "Get keys" . ..
My mini-dictionary for migrant students then provides the exchange of these verb forms with the Italian forms of the correct type "Move in, out, up or down" but "Store" and "Pull ".
The most comic thing is that as I got to experience for themselves, some verbs are transitivizzano moving towards the South of Italy: quindi anche i Napoletani, che tanto ci prendono in giro per questo motivo, ogni tanto si scoprono a dire cose del tipo "Scendo i bagagli al paese" ...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wind Generator Grants In Texas
This video is specifically targeted ...
Who comes to the Mafia, but at the same time Forza Italy vote (or PDL)
Who is complaining, but at the same time she does not desire to learn from where the problems ... because heavy and boring
Who praises Falcone and Borsellino, but once you plagiarize from the system attacking the judiciary and labeling it "red"
To those who say "All the same, but at the same time ignore what happened in Piazza Farnese 28 January
Who speaks of values \u200b\u200band family, but at the same time is no longer beyond the various" Big Brother
Who thinks it would be right to think for themselves, but at the same time escapes it all together we're falling into an abyss
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Herpeson Arms And Stomach

I would like to emphasize that the case Cesare Battisti , is not well explained or, better citizens Failure to remember the important things that may not be the extradition of the terrorist: is based on article 10, paragraph IV of the Constitution (" is not permitted the extradition of a foreigner for political offenses ) that an exception to extradition conetenuta .5 in Article of the Constitution Brazilian (' LII. shall not be granted the extradition of foreigners for political offenses or review ) both countries deny extradition for political crimes, and is therefore useless for our government calls for Lula, as however, that should take care of the Federal Supreme Court, again under a provision of a constitutional amendment Brazilian order (art.102 " E 'jurisdiction of the Supreme Federal Court primarily safeguards of the Constitution, belong: [..] g) extradition requested by a foreign state or [..]»).
This, I repeat, is not taking a position in favor of Baptists, but only as a "thin" to criticize the regime media, who will understand will understand, others will be ready to begin debate on an anachronistic " red terror. "
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Wedding Welcome Messages Examples
Berlusconi and his cases with the Justice
Corruption (Guardia di Finanza)
sentenced at first instance, acquitted for the second prescription, acquitted did not commit this act in the third degree.
All Iberian
The process for illegal financing of the Italian Socialist Party and aggravated false accounting was divided into two parts due to a defect (which ultimately favored Berlusconi).
All Iberian 1
sentenced at first instance in two years and four months' imprisonment and a fine of € 10 billion; acquitted on appeal by prescription (due to the defect described above, which has shortened the period of limitation ); acquitted of third-degree requirement.
All Iberian 2
All Iberian 2 The process had to start over again, and when it came to court decisions, Berlusconi was acquitted perché il fatto non costituisce più reato; nel 2002, infatti, il governo Berlusconi lo aveva depenalizzato.
Falso in bilancio (Lentini)
Assolto per intervenuta prescrizione (sempre a causa della legge del 2002 di cui sopra, che, avendo depenalizzato il falso in bilancio, ne aveva accorciati i tempi di prescrizione).
Falso in bilancio (Medusa)
Condannato a un anno e quattro mesi in primo grado, assolto in secondo e terzo grado perché essendo ricco avrebbe potuto non accorgersi del reato (a tutt’oggi no riesco a smettere di ridere, ma tant’è…).
Falso in bilancio (Macherio)
Assolto per intervenuta prescrizione (in un caso) e per intervenuto indulto (nel secondo).
Corruzione (Lodo Mondadori)
Assolto per prescrizione (anche se la condanna a carico di Cesare Previti - fra gli altri - affermava che Berlusconi sapeva che il giudice era stato corrotto e che la corruzione del giudice andava inevitabilmente a vantaggio di Berlusconi).
Corruzione (SME 1)
Assolto per prescrizione in primo grado, assolto per non aver commesso il fatto in secondo e terzo grado (il solito Previti, invece, fu condannato per aver corrotto favorendo Fininvest)
mi raccomando leggere bene, assolto si, ma per prescrizione , spesso frutto di sue leggi.
ringrazio l' "apache" GERONIMO che ha gentilmente riassunto