Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Che Siglifica Thermostar

Ebooks? No disaster, only more books!

Ebook, this stranger. Those who expected big changes or doomsday scenarios for the short term, will probably have to think again. The to web (let me use the expression, as was I in coniarla 2008 and to use it at first and in my book on Ebaforum Marketing 2.0) does not mean the total absence of rules and fundamental roles in the industry, as some would suggest. Will not disappear the publishers, as well as not allay readers, much less the writers . Rather, we speak of an evolution of these figures that not everyone has recognized because of the basic skills and the consequent limited all'offline background missing.
E ' important, in this sense, to recognize as every major cultural shift is never completely synchronous, so it may be less pervasive. The story is nourished by large steps that can be recognized only in retrospect, in addition, the remaining legacies of previous cultures. As we move towards the era of digital publishing, the Tree of Wooden Clogs still survives in our country (Fabris).
To understand what is going on, you must first have knowledge of web culture , because the classical logic of the book and the context of traditional editorial is ill-suited to an analysis of what is happening. The axiology of the primacy given to the printed book stumbles strongly in the data supplied to us in more developed markets, by logical that the Italian publishing industry is trying in vain to resist for too long.
When there is culture of the Web, you may use mechanisms such misinterpretations and misleading, making mistakes rather coarse.
is then after many wolf wolf! shouted so far in the field as an excuse to snub the phenomenon ebook from mature markets to come as unexpected news: " the book should not be affected in a scenario similar to that of the industry music "(Bain & Company), Le monde . It's not all: if " for music, digital technology has brought a rise in piracy, the book is the transition from the online store " to the device electronic, Colombani explains Lawrence, co-author of the study "The writings digital age .
But the data that comes from abroad and that should make us think more about the number of books bought and read per person increased dramatically in those markets where the ebook has reached a certain level of maturity.
A slap in the face for those who have screamed until yesterday the death of the traditional publishing market if he had allowed the 'rise of ebooks because of piracy , contributing to a significant delay in the development of the digital market Italian. The consequences are clearly visible, since except for some white flies like Bruno Editore , major publishers are just now moving at a distance of one or two years from other developed countries (and even some third world) . A logical suicide that had very little to do with real concerns of piracy and that was intended to protect their own backyard, not realizing that the bad weather on the horizon would still have burned any future bud.
Now it's too late to run for cover, and while we are quick to advertise a market Italian in digital takeoff , is always greater than the suspicion that they really will benefit from the large international groups, such as Amazon or Apple. Because the real novelty of ' ebook , what nobody wants to admit in theatrical, is that nothing catastrophic will affect the logic of cultural production or the use of the book, but rather the system publishing distribution . And that's where you make turnovers.
Discover NOW how to make writing your book!


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