Monday, November 29, 2010

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How and where to sell an ebook online

How and where to sell an ebook online ? The web seems to offer many opportunities for publication, but few turn out to be really useful and meaningful from the practical point of view. Can you find the perfect channel for its own economic needs and the visibility seems to find a precarious balance. A journey that unfortunately often frustrates the best efforts of writing and editing.
However, this is a point not to be underestimated. The distribution of an ebook practice is one of the factors that most affect the result of publication at the same time is also an essential prerequisite to be able to give visibility to their work. It is therefore hard to imagine why a good job in the field of digital distribution is a perfect harbinger to the overall success of an ebook.
At the same time, most independent filmmakers seem to rely on improvisation or strategy trial & error, too costly in terms of cost and self-branding to be carried out in the long run. In view of these assumptions, for many authors in its infancy in the digital domain, to solve the dilemmas are indeed numerous. Tax issues with practical concerns, we offer some suggestions regarding sell an ebook online , at least compared to major doubts.
First, do not leave to chance this important issue. In addition to providing poor results in terms of visibility, you may find yourself with thorny legal issues or tax since the sale of an ebook touches, however, some aspects of electronic commerce and subject to the payment of taxes the income. Also consider that many e-commerce sites have placed limits on the sale of books digital , so you might run into suspension of your account if you do not pay attention to the rules of procedure (one case for all is the famous portal ' ebay auction, which prohibits the sale of ebooks have in the past were often used for buying and selling feedback).
In general, if you want to self-publish the first step is to contact those who have decided to devote himself to print on demand or selling ebook in a privileged way. It 's the case with many sites and portals as independent distribution and ilmiolibro . These systems are already on the market for several years, with the logic of trade magazines and a pool of people ready to buy.
important caveat: before you join and upload your ebook, we always recommend that you carefully read the contract register on the site, to avoid surprises or missteps difficult to remedy later. Each portal ha le proprie regole, tanto in relazione alla gestione delle proprietà intellettuali  quanto per ciò che riguarda gli aspetti contrattuali, fiscali ed amministrativi.
Una seconda ipotesi per la vendita del vostro ebook online riguarda la possibilità di affidarvi ad un editore digitale. Nel mercato esistono realtà imprenditoriali piuttosto variegate: alcuni hanno deciso di specializzarsi esclusivamente in questo campo, ad esempio l'ottima Bruno Editore (con la quale io stesso ho pubblicato diversi libri). E' da notare anche la presenza di editori più tradizionali, che hanno aperto un proprio reparto Internal specialized in the sale of ebook, but you should consider that in this way you'll still be forced to co-exist the limits and merits of a joint publication of both print and digital.
The great advantage of publishing through an ebook publisher lies in the synergy of co-marketing (to which a good editor should take part) and in fiscal management easier, because you simply state your income within several of your income tax return. Of course, the amount of revenue fall sharply, but if the number of copies sold were to be sustained, it could really be worth la pena.
Ultimo punto: la distribuzione gratuita di un ebook su internet. Per valutare questa strategia, è necessario comprendere gli obiettivi di comunicazione che volete raggiungere. In molti casi, si tratta di un'opportunità in grado di dare soddisfazioni interessanti. Gli ebook gratuiti presentano delle peculiarità virali piuttosto incisive, pertanto potreste ottenere notevoli miglioramenti di branding, di Seo e di contatti qualora decidiate di offrire il vostro libro digitale senza un compenso. In alcuni casi è possibile monetizzare la distribuzione gratuita, si noti ad esempio l'ottimo lavoro portato avanti Ebook Italian site.
One of the biggest mistakes in relation to this strategy lies in the fact that it is enough to believe publish the ebook on its homepage on the contrary must plan carefully how and where to deploy a digital book even if it is issued free of charge. For example, using the numerous social networks dedicated to sharing digital documents (such as Scribd and Slideshare).
In conclusion, the distribution opportunities offered by the nascent state of ' digital publishing are very many, but should be carefully soppesate in relazione alle proprie necessità, per non incorrere in fallimenti annunciati o problematiche pratiche di difficile soluzione a cose "già avviate".


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