some time I have been asked to comment on the new trend of social communication online. I find the perfect opportunity to express some of my thoughts while I'm facing a stimulating read on the subject in recent days, which fits perfectly with many of the views and insights that I had already expressed in my book Factor Network "and in my other previous articles. I state for those who think that the networking consist of something such as having multiple connections or friends as you can on Facebook, you probably will have more than a few disappointments.
If you want to know which book I am referring, it is You are not a gadget of Jaron Lanier , a very interesting study on the recent culture of Web 2.0 and how they are generally accepted and introjected as something very cool or positive without a real understanding of practical implications.
The critical point must first be identified in the huge emotional investment in these instruments that many do, an attitude in which we slip unconsciously, and that leads eventually to a genuine emotional alienation of one's reality . Social networks like Facebook (to name the most widely used today) are tools created by a basic philosophy that represents the fol rouge of you are not a gadget :
" the information must be alienated experience " (Lanier).
New tecnoteologia , perfectly parallel with the collimating neoliberal ideology , we are verifying the outcomes, first-person, now taking a new step in its evolution, eventually creating a framework within which to explode soon in which people lose their natural empathy for a virtual world made of "like" or comments limited to a few characters.
Il problema prende forma nel momento in cui questi portali non vengono utilizzati per quello che sono realmente (semplici strumenti di comunicazione, come l'email) ma piuttosto come realtà parallela privilegiata . Se pensate che questo processo sia stato il frutto del caso, vi prego d'informarvi e di approfondire meglio l'argomento, perché il progetto di riforma culturale che sta alla base dei social network non mira a rendere più ease the lives of the people but promote a new philosophy, that the computer evolves into a form of life that can understand humans better than humans understand themselves ; (Lanier, p. 28).
think I'm exaggerating? You should then explain why the advice I get my daily activities are increasingly ambivalent statements and comments from the use of social network . Da chi spiega che un account con migliaia di "amici" è improvvisamente stato chiuso senza spiegazione, tagliando fuori ogni possibile contatto sociale (le restanti forme umane erano state eliminate da tempo, sic!) a chi afferma di compiere un lavoro molto stancante e faticoso solo per apparire all'interno delle maglie di Facebook (e gli esempi potrebbero proseguire all'infinito); per non parlare delle moltissime esperienze al limite dell'esaurimento nervoso subite by the many who tell me identity theft and the like.
Mind you, it would be very easy for me as a marketing communications consultant and adhere unequivocally to the new Eden of social marketing, because the world of social networking ad revenue now makes it easy dictated by filing a personal growth and no apparent brake.
Now, like many of you know, the rest agree with the use of social network as a simple and basic means of communication (similar to what happens to the email), but at the same time I reluctantly membership and the adoption of social networking as a means main communication identity , both about the need for personal communications, both as regards the activities of business and cultural organizations.
adheres unaware a Social Network and let this take control of their communication activities do not necessarily lead to real benefits of networking in life daily, but a reduction of themselves through an alienated pre-formatted and a reality where the only differentiating elements of your personality will be highlighted by the change in the publication of a photo or a comment in a blucentrico ... millions of identical boards that overlap under the trademark of Facebook or social network near future.
The basic lesson is the following: when handled so prevalent social networking your business communication, you are moving the control of your reality outside of you. Entrust your house keys to a stranger? No, right? Similarly, I have no intention to completely virtualize my reality to a third company that collects and classifies all information about me and that can close the communication channel without any notice from one moment to another. If you have never thought of this before, perhaps now is the time to do it.
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