The Gospel reading on Sunday contained la famosa riposta di Gesu' alla richiesta di Giovanni il Battista sull'avvento del Messia: in Matteo 11:4-5 Gesu' risponde indirettamente alla domanda facendo notare che si stanno realizzando tutta una serie di eventi miracolosi che la Bibbia ebraica associava con i tempi messianici. Di conseguenza, anche se non viene detto esplicitamente, si dovrebbe concludere che il periodo dell'attesa messianica e' finito.
Il predicatore della messa a cui ho assistito ha cominciato il suo commento con una domanda interessante: come possiamo credere che il tempo messianico si sia compiuto in Gesu' di Nazaret, se vediamo ogni giorno, non i segni elencati in Matteo, ma un mondo colpito da disgrazie e soprusi che causano sofferenza e morte anche di esseri umani innocenti? The question is not 'trivial and I admit that it takes courage to put it so' clearly in the context of a sermon, but the proposed solution has left me a bit 'confused.
In essence, he said the preacher, this apparent absence of the messianic signs must be understood as a reminder of the part which each of us must make in bringing to fruition the kingdom of God as an example, here is a story with which you and 'also ended the homily. A family comes home to find the building destroyed by fire. While the father goes into town to buy some commodity ', the mother and the children are busy among the ashes to find something that can be saved. Is recovered and burned half a tank the mother fills him with beautiful wildflowers in a meadow collected them 'closer. When the father comes back and sits down to eat the little they have with his family, seeing the beauty of the flowers if you feel reborn in 'the hope and the deep conviction that everything will go' well.
Now when I hear a preacher who decides to tell another story to explain the story you just read in the Bible, I care. Usually, this is' a sign that the "myth" (I use this term in a technical sense, since I recently had occasion to speak) the original and not 'more' understandable, or better, can not 'more' play its role arrabatta and you replace it with another.
In this case, the apocalyptic myth messianic signs seem problematic in front of the wreckage of the modern world and the solution found and 'to overturn the whole meaning of the Gospel passage. While Jesus' invitation to take note of the evidence of divine power that transforms the world, my preacher tells me that these tests I will see if I can put myself in the right mood predisposition. Eventually, the guilt and 'mine' cause I do not stress that enough?
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