I neglected a bit 'of the biblical readings "Men and prophets" and I'm listening to podcasts, a few weeks old, dedicated to Leviticus. In the episode of November 14, Daniele Garrone, professor of Hebrew Bible at the Faculty 'Waldensian theological, as well as many other interesting observations, some dedicated to the famous words of the prohibition against eating blood, noting in particular the symbolic connection between blood and life, so the prohibition is aimed at all effects such as a command to respect for human life not only. A theme that is linked to the fact that the two progenitors of mankind ', Adam and Eve are described as vegetarians in the period before the "fall".
It seems to me that this is a very interesting idea, even if the same ends soon Garrone to trivialize it (with reference to the absence, in the Jewish world of sport hunting!), In this well backed by the presenter, Gabriella Caramori, throwing a thought full of anti-modern nostalgia for the millions of animals that are bred only to be slaughtered. This is the same maneuver "domestication" that is served when the call to poverty 'in the texts we are New Testament interpreted as calls to abandon the "superfluous" (just what we would like to help but to be safe with a clear conscience).
Actually 'a tradition of interpretation develops this theme in a way far more' radical in the novel pseudo-Clementine, but also in other texts texts of the first Christian centuries, the consumption of flesh and blood are linked to perversion generated by ' union between angels and humans and the consequent emergence of so-called "giants." Because of their origin "unnatural" they have the desire to "unnatural" to eat meat and thus create a contamination to which God can 'put away only with the tragedy of the flood and the destruction of all life on earth. Through this myth, which originates in the writings of Enoch, the command to abstain from blood, given to Noah, 'is to be understood as a permanent indication of the fact that humanity' shares a fundamental principle of life with all other living beings: humans, with their actions apparently more 'basic things like food, in fact create an imbalance which is harmful to themselves and they should be responsible and aware.
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