Alcuni giorni fa, in una serie di articoli dedicati ai 150 anni dall'inizio della guerra civile americana, il NYT riportava la notizia che un biglietto autografo di Lincoln sarebbe stato contraffatto da un importante contemporary scholar. Such a thing can not 'that call to mind the most' important case of alleged forgery in the field of New Testament studies, the so called "Secret Gospel of Mark."
You can find a summary of this apocryphal story of daring, in this page, very detailed and full of interesting links, the blog "Paul 2.0". Morton Smith, the discoverer of the fragment of the Gospel and Epistle of Clement of Alexandria that contains it, and 'has recently been accused of falsifying the manuscript into two books that have little scientific ( The Gospel Hoax. Morton Smith's Invention of Secret Mark Carlson and Stephen The Secret Gospel of Mark Unveiled. Imagined Ritual of Sex, Death, and Madness in a Biblical Forgery by Peter Jeffery ). The "arguments" presented in these works have been widely refuted by Scott Brown ( Mark's Other Gospel. Rethinking Morton Smith's Controversial Discovery and a host of other publications): illuminating analysis of the methodological premises of the work of Carlson you can 'read in a series of posts in the blog Finnish scholar, Timo Paananen.
Recently, the Biblical Archaeology Review decided to commission an expert graphology photos of the manuscript to a Greek expert, Venetia Anastasopoulou, which concluded that the document can not 'have been falsified by Morton Smith (mettendo cosi' una pietra tombale sulle "ipotesi" di Carlson). Una recente riposta di Jeffery dimostra quanto sia divenuta ormai insostenibile anche la sua posizione: Jeffery asserisce di aver "dimostrato" che il Vangelo puo' essere stato composto solo nel ventesimo secolo, ma, siccome non e' stato messo per iscritto da Smith, quest'ultimo ha dovuto agire con la complicita' di una persona che fosse in grado di imitare perfettamente la calligrafia di un monaco greco del diciottesimo secolo! Si noti che questo fantomatico complice e' poi stato in grado di far perdere completamente le proprie tracce e di mantenere il segreto piu' assoluto sulla propria esistenza per piu' di 40 anni! E' notevole che, su queste basi, Jeffery abbia the courage to blame Brown for not providing a "compelling interpretation."
However, it 's true that the only expert graphology can not' prove that the Clementine letter is authentic or that the fragment is part of a Mark 'original' (whatever way you want to give this expression). The first question, but, 'I think we are in deep waters more' quiet: some of the world's leading experts of the work of Clement (including Alain Le Boulluec in an article that obviously no one ever mentions in America) are already 'expressed in a positive way. The second is perhaps time to return to work with seriousness', when they have abandoned the "conspiracy theories" and similar abstruseness.
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