In this post two reading a brief description for those interested in a serious discussion and non-trivial role of women in society 'in general and in religious life' in particular: they are two fairly new blog I discovered recently and with great pleasure.
The first Duuvdevanim , and 'a blog dedicated to the unfortunate situation of our Italy, but also to reflect more' theory on how it could and should speak in a more 'appropriate use of women's issues. In fact, you can not 'have to agree that the political and cultural situation that is described is not' tragic only for the hypocrisy and the inadequacy of the government, but also because 'we realize that who they should does not seem to oppose it 'I think' to speak in a different way and by whom 'in power.
The second blog, WIT - Women in Theology , And 'the result of collaboration between a group of doctoral students working on this theme in two major universities' U.S. Catholic, Notre Dame and Boston College. The authors often face issues very juicy and must recognize their courage and honesty 'with which they speak of the difficulties' and suffering that women face in a reality 'as' blocked 'and that' now that the Catholic church. If you want a taste you can start from this remarkable post in which, first, we discuss the fact that the new lectionary (just came into use in English speaking countries) "expunge" the figure of the prophetess Anna from readings for the feast of Candlemas.
follows, then, an equally tasty discussion on how more 'correct to translate the term "homo factus est" which describes the mystery of the symbol of faith. "Becoming a Man," as it is pointed out, not 'just a bad performance of the Latin, it would also imply the exclusion of women from salvation, if you are on, so Orthodox, the thought of Gregory Nazianzen, that " what 'and not' been taken [in the incarnation of Christ], not 'has also been saved. " It would be much better to respect the tradition and say that Christ assumed human nature in its fullness.
situation and 'certainly' blocked ', but, until' there is someone who thinks (or property), also survives la speranza di uscirne.
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