Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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Contenuti 2.0: come sarà il web del futuro?

There is a thread that connects many of the news outlets in recent days, are events that have a significant media attention, but so far have been considered as a single phenomenon rather than as part of a large paradigm shift. Here we go fast.
1, Vodafone blocks the use of some specific applications on the Internet (the most popular is Skype), demanding payment of a fee specifically to take advantage of VoIP services. Here is the resumption of the Corriere della Sera about it, where you can pursue the matter. 2 °
AOL, known provider of web access U.S. offre 315 milioni di dollari per l'acquisizione dell'Huffington Post, di seguito l'articolo del Sole 24 Ore .
3° Infine, la Apple rifiuta un'applicazione targata Sony per la lettura di ebook sui propri dispositivi, qui la rirpresa su La Stampa . Si crea un precedente che potrebbe mettere in forse anche il software Kindle per iPhone ed iPad.
Perché questi tre avvenimenti sono così importanti e perché sono da collegare tra di loro? La mia opinione è che si tratta di segnali dal prossimo futuro a cui dovremmo prestare molta attenzione. Le nuove industrie digitali stanno riposizionando i propri business, diventando fornitori di contenuti piuttosto che providers access to content.
This means that the value of content has become crucial for the new digital industry, where the information assume a central value at the expense of the hardware. At the same time, large companies that manage the infrastructure of the Internet saw a significant increase in its costs to sustain the data traffic of the new generation, more and more advanced services while slashing income (exactly what it does when Skype allows free calls abroad or a few cents).
It 'clear that change can not be painless, so we can expect a battle until more and more entrenched not emerge a winner between the two contenders. At that point, the web may have completed its transition to 2.0, assuming a very different look than what is currently known and used.


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