Colosseo - 23.02.11 |
Eccomi qui. Tornata a casa sana e salva da un viaggio spettacolare e molto particolare.
Mi siete mancati sapete? Mi è mancato il mio spazio personale... e non vedevo l'ora di tornare solo per raccontarvi un po' quello che mi è capitato a Roma. Piedi e gambe distrutte a parte, devo dire che in due giorni ho visitato un vero e proprio museo a cielo aperto.
I miei occhi erano meravigliati ad ogni battito di ciglia .
Vedere quella città per la prima volta mi ha lasciata a bocca aperta ed è tutto stampato nella mia memory, many wonderful memories crowd my mind already! Unfortunately my camera decided to abandon the most beautiful and I just had time to make only a small and poor picture of the Coliseum, the first leg of the journey. I was sad a lot, especially since I promised you all a nice photo and instead return with nothing to show! What bitterness! Luckily we thought Vlad Ser photos and maybe it was better that way because he's definitely better than me, but there was also disappointment ... I wanted to bring something of my own! : (Sadness aside for the photos are very happy and satisfied and I'm here to tell you a bit 'what's happened to me in this beautiful city.
We arrived Wednesday morning at 6:00 sharp, quick breakfast and then stop at the station to the hotel to put down the suitcases. At about 7:15 we began the tour! The air was really cold but the bright sunshine that accompanied us throughout the trip was really wonderful ... I could not ask for more!
Map in hand we come to the Coliseum, to be honest that is the only thing that I have not liked Rome, but I'm biased because Veronese) Piazza Venezia .... but left me very impressed! The altar of the country is huge and beautiful, I'd say epic! I'm really not used to such great magnitude ...
The Pantheon has made me open up my mouth and I closed when I left. Wonderful! History and wisdom emanated from every corner and it seemed incredible that a man can do ... I did not think it could be so beautiful! Without too much trouble then we come to Piazza Navona where we had a little break pardoned by that beautiful sun seemed to want to kiss! I believe that the best thing about that first day was a special one, namely, the Trevi Fountain. I was ecstatic at the sight of what, according to my eyes is the most beautiful fountain in the world. From those enormous sculptures sprang superhuman strength ... almost divine! The first day we concluded our tour with two very interesting exhibits: "The Colors of the World" National Geographic, and one dedicated to the people of Teotihuacan, both at the Palazzo delle Esposizioni.
After a good night's sleep we were all healthy and ready to go in another area of \u200b\u200bRome the following day: Castel Sant'Angelo and Piazza San Pietro. Once again, I was shocked by the majesty of this city that seems to want to scream to the world its greatness and glory! The basilica of San Pietro is impressive and particularly impressive is the amount of gold in it .... let's leave here if I could not begin a sermon about it .... then I'll be quiet and good .... I might decides to vent some other time! ;)
Beautiful, beautiful Rome that enchanted me apart from the incredible traffic a bit 'suffocates! And then it was really a great pleasure to meet Chica, a new friend known by bloggers, who offered us breakfast and gave us all his good humor and sympathy! :) What about boys ... I'm sorry a lot for the pictures ... I will take my poor camera, the doctor and we hope to heal ... do not tell you how many curses that came out of my mouth when I realized that I could no longer take pictures! Well from .. a small obstacle that can happen ... it does not matter because in the end I spent an amazing time and what more matters is just that! Thanks to my best friends, Martha and Robyn who gave me the opportunity and Ser Vlad - aka Mirko - to organize these days so beautiful !!!!!!
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