From overseas comes an interesting report confirms the strong appeal won dall'autopubblicazione based and digital among writers. Stephen Leather -lance writer, after a refusal by its publisher decided to do everything by himself publishing his novels in the circuit dell'Amazon Kindle. The result? He quickly climbed the top of the bestseller charts in the British online portal, for a net gain of approximately € 13,000 per month .
The figure is indicative of all the nascent field of digital publishing. Specifically, the true winner is not only the author but the ' ebook, also confirms that the European market its maturity. Reading in a format able to achieve significant sales figures also possible without a strong editorial filter and a sales orientation characteristic of the most classic and fierce promotional department.
Noteworthy was also the editorial marketing strategy applied by the author, based very strongly on the entrance fee, which appears below the psychological threshold of a single pound. A pricing strategy very intelligent and perhaps mediated by the great success of low cost applications in these new digital markets (one thinks of the software from the admission price aggressively present in the App Store from Apple).
Next , Leather entrusted himself to digital marketing to trigger word of mouth on the web and make known the availability of their books in Kindle Store.
behavior textbook marketing, which allowed the author to literally conquer the market, resulting in significant rewards not only economically but also a reputation. On the other hand, for readers annuities Ebook , there is certainly surprising, on the contrary I think the relative maturity also won the Italian market the ebook will give us similar cases in Italy soon. And maybe the next could be you who are reading!
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