Friday, March 4, 2011

Converting Pull Start Outboard To Electric Start

Ebook & Ebook Lab Italia: la prima fiera dedicata agli ebook in Italia

In questi giorni si sta svolgendo a Rimini EbookLabItalia , la prima fiera tematica Italian dedicated to the world of ebook . Although I was unable to be physically present because of previous commitments, I'm doing everything possible to cover the event, thanks to the opportunities offered by virtualization web.
topics worthy of study are numerous (we'll post soon with some specific), since we mark two interesting links for you to be also present virtually , enjoying full laudable initiative as the world 's ebook :

  • live in direct streaming ;
  • direct short text with twitter .

Below you can read the full program of Ebook Lab Italy:

We hope that the initiative to Simplicissimus contributes effectively to shift the remaining of conflict and resistance persisting against the adoption of ebooks. The pay off the event: " the future of books, the books of the future " can only be well-wishing, highlighting the wealth of content and variety of topics covered. I only wish, therefore, that a good participation in all!


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