Saturday, March 12, 2011

Elmo Wrestling Singlet

We are the change we seek ...

In this Italy today, where hatred of the next is increasingly powered by the attitude of a prime minister who insists on discriminating against the "different", I have witnessed with surprise something nice that made me smile and has definitely changed for the better in my day.
Thursday morning I took the bus to go to class and when I climb I sat behind a woman of foreign origin, with olive skin and the veil that covered her head. He
sheets in hand, reading carefully and leaning curiously I noticed that they were of Italian grammar pages which explain the proper use of this information.
The thing I was very pleased because it gave me was the sense of a person to succeed was trying hard to integrate, to learn a culture different from his .
Although this is a bleak period for our country it's nice to see these small things, it's nice to see that people are not discouraged and that with little attempt to do their part. However, it is amazing to note that already in kindergartens and primary schools today children play naturally together without distinguishing the color of their skin ... should be so even among adults.
dream of the day in which Italy is ready to welcome the stranger (and more) as their peers and giving him the opportunity to integrate without subtle discrimination.
Maybe it's also why I was kidnapped by the way of life that is in England and especially in London are at least 100 years ahead of us in these things. People of any race, culture and sexuality are amalgamated and integrated them perfectly, and in fact there is an atmosphere completely different, what I'd really enjoy here.



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