Saturday, March 12, 2011

Elmo Wrestling Singlet

We are the change we seek ...

In this Italy today, where hatred of the next is increasingly powered by the attitude of a prime minister who insists on discriminating against the "different", I have witnessed with surprise something nice that made me smile and has definitely changed for the better in my day.
Thursday morning I took the bus to go to class and when I climb I sat behind a woman of foreign origin, with olive skin and the veil that covered her head. He
sheets in hand, reading carefully and leaning curiously I noticed that they were of Italian grammar pages which explain the proper use of this information.
The thing I was very pleased because it gave me was the sense of a person to succeed was trying hard to integrate, to learn a culture different from his .
Although this is a bleak period for our country it's nice to see these small things, it's nice to see that people are not discouraged and that with little attempt to do their part. However, it is amazing to note that already in kindergartens and primary schools today children play naturally together without distinguishing the color of their skin ... should be so even among adults.
dream of the day in which Italy is ready to welcome the stranger (and more) as their peers and giving him the opportunity to integrate without subtle discrimination.
Maybe it's also why I was kidnapped by the way of life that is in England and especially in London are at least 100 years ahead of us in these things. People of any race, culture and sexuality are amalgamated and integrated them perfectly, and in fact there is an atmosphere completely different, what I'd really enjoy here.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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remember - as a tiger

As I looked out the window yet I did not realize what would happen after a few hours, but most consequences that would set off in my life that day so dreary.
I had no expectations because it was the first time they face a race of that scale, a race with myself, and I was not sure what I was doing.
I remember when I walked into that gym, everything seemed great, or maybe I was too small to be able to see the world in the most suitable.
A lot of people crowded the bleachers and an army of children was preparing for what would have been an endless day. I took my bag and went into the locker room.
Wear the kimono has always been something I liked to die from the first once put it. Connect it with care, arranging the folds of the sleeves and put the belt in the right way and then tighten the knot firmly. All small operations that prepared me for what came after, a kind of ritual to secure a good workout.
A warrior must always be in order, always sure of himself when he faces an obstacle .

started to act when I mingled with the crowd of children and young people that spammed every corner of the gym and I was struggling to breathe as well as the stench that came from hundreds of bare feet which continued to scamper on all sides.
After the welcome we were divided into categories and sorted by the belt, but even though I had only eleven years and I was still a 'white belt insignificant could compete only four hours after my arrival. A wait that seemed endless, so much so that when my time came I was already tired. I almost came to think that it was worth it, that I was wasting my time, until something happened that made me quickly change my mind.

My test consisted of a single, simple kata, a more "empty" techniques, a kind of choreographed martial. My enemy was invisible and I had to convince the court that in reality I had in mind before my eyes, and perfect with my move and I against the powerful without fear.
They called my name e sentii subito le vene espandersi, il cuore batteva all'impazzata e avevo paura che qualcuno potesse notare il color pomodoro della mia faccia inondata di calore.
La situazione era abbastanza umiliante da un certo punto di vista. Tre persone sono li per giudicarti, per dirti quanto fai schifo di fronte a migliaia di genitori che ti guardano e sperano che tu possa sbagliare per far vincere il proprio figlioletto.

Mi misi al centro del tatami, mi inchinai per fare il saluto e istintivamente chiusi gli occhi .
Sentivo una confusione tremenda e temevo che non mi sarei mai concentrata con tutto quel rumore. Svuotai la mente, immaginai di essere sola e cercai di tirare fuori più energia possibile.
Nel preciso istante in cui I felt really ready I went like a rocket. The legs and arms already knew what was their task and with each step my screams would help me in the effort and made me feel alive like I never had happened before.
My hands were hot and felt throughout the body in an electric shock that kept me up even though I was physically and emotionally destroyed.

There were thirty in my category and I had to wait until all compete. Only eight were passed to the second stage of the race and my name was called unexpectedly. They made us repeat the test again and feel that power that appeared from somewhere.
I asked myself how it was possible that my body so small and could produce such a seemingly fragile energy. was like inside of me there was a tiger ready to attack its prey.

the end, the judges lined up and named the winners of that competition.
"The third place went to Julia .. Giarola.
these few words were enough to make me vomit out a heat that I broke the veins of the face and ears burned in an instant. Incredulous I took a step forward, I turned to my teacher for a moment to see if everything was happening for real and he smiled a smile not, but one that makes you understand that a person is really fair and proud of you. I almost burst into tears of joy and barely managed to restrain myself.
I went to the judges that I shook hands and bowed his head slightly to make me wear the bronze medal. There followed plenty of kisses and hugs and happiness I felt at that time is not comparable to anything, because it was a event that totally changed me my life and reversed the convictions.

From that day I realized that I could have whatever I wanted if I had committed, I realized how much value had incredible strength that I felt right into my soul, understood to be a warrior, I knew to be a successful person. ; That was the first in a long series of victories that I will never forget. I'm really proud of my memories ...

From Ricordanze Giulia

Monday, March 7, 2011

Do You Wear Panties With A Girdle

Ebookstore: come acquistare un ebook in Italia

Ebook store questi sconosciuti . In Italia si fa un gran parlare di ebook, ma sono ancora pochi gli acquirenti di libri elettronici rispetto a quanto avviene per i paesi anglosassoni. Uno dei trend degni di analisi per l'editoria digitale italiana è la nascita di una nutrita schiera di ebook store , che se da un lato offrono molte opportunità di scelta ai consumatori dall'altro frammentano la domanda disorientando i lettori.
Altro interessante elemento di differenziazione del nostro mercato librario online è la statura dei dealer; mentre in U.s.a ed in U.k. l'ebook è gestito da grossi dealer come Amazon and Google Books , we still struggling to establish itself a big player that can establish its own unique standard distribution. If this is good or bad could be the topic of a future post.
For the moment let's concentrate on the current situation, where most of the publishers rely on sales through multiple online libraries .
Once you have decided to buy an ebook in Italy, may be interesting to see the following list:
Net Ebook

Come forse avrete notato, la maggior parte degli ebook store citati è composto da quelli aderenti al circuito Stealth di Simplicissimus . A questi aggiungerei , una piattaforma di autopubblicazione / ebookstore che io stesso utilizzo per la pubblicazione di alcuni miei ebook. All'appello manca infine il negozio proprietario  iBookstore di Apple , which in Italy has yet to take off for lack of titles in our catalog in the local language.
purchasing methods are very similar for all the shops ebook, you will be asked to make a recording, to insert your billing information and complete the payment via credit card or paypal.
Next, you need to download your ebook , to load it inside the ' ebook reader. Even if you do not have an ebook reader, in many cases is available PDF format, to make it possible to read even on a computer screen.
If you have not already done so, my advice is di scegliere uno di questi negozi e provare un acquisto, anche perché sono disponibili numerosi titoli al prezzo di pochi euro e l' acquisto di un libro digitale all'interno di un ebook store è molto gratificante vista la possibilità di poter procedere immediatamente alla lettura (diversamente da quanto avviene con i libri cartacei acquistati online, che necessitano di una spedizione tradizionale).

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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New Testament and communities'

I neglected a little 'blog' cause last week I was briefly in Italy, invited to attend an interview on the Second Epistle of Peter organized at the Faculty 'theological di Sicilia "San Giovanni Evangelista" in Palermo . The trip 'was very tiring, but I have to thank the organizers (in particular, Rosario Pistone, Professor of New Testament), for giving me the opportunity' to visit once a city 'beautiful and, above all, to take part a very stimulating and interesting discussions. I must say I was very impressed by the atmosphere of great vitality 'intellectual that I found in Palermo.
Among the many issues discusse nel colloquio, e' emersa piu' di una volta quella, metodologicamente fondamentale, delle comunita' che gli studiosi di Nuovo Testamento tendono a ricostruire "dietro" i testi. Avendo insegnato, negli ultimi due anni, corsi su i Vangeli di Giovanni, Tommaso e Matteo ho avuto modo di confrontarmi spesso con questo tipo di opzione esegetica e le mie perplessita' sono andate via via crescendo. Do qui conto, in breve, dei maggiori problemi che mi si presentano quando comincio a sentir parlare di comunita' giovannea, matteana e cosi' via.
Una prima difficolta' dipende dal fatto che, spesso, quando un esegeta parla di comunita' tende a prendere questo termine in un'accezione molto "forte": si arriva quindi a postulare un group that has a common feel and share ideas and experiences monolithically. However, all groups that we know directly or by historical evidence to the contrary: each group member's perceptions and beliefs, influenced by the many differences in social status, culture, gender, ethnicity and so 'on. Exegetes tend to project on the community ', entirely reconstructed from the text by the one in our possession, their respective interpretations of the text itself, more often forgetting that the interpretations of the Gospel must have been many already' at the level of " community 'original'. Things get even worse when this' community 'original' is used to solve steps exegetically difficult, as if it were an actual historical evidence and not a convenient case of investigation (Luz's commentary, while very beautiful, and 'full of passages in which a certain interpretation is ruled out, because' the 'community' not Matthean would have thought this!).
My second perplexity 'and' tied to what we just said, as I find more and more 'community problem in the habit of postulating' hidden 'behind' the characters in the NT and then to write the history of their relations based on historical relations between the fictional characters of a script. Sensational cases are those of Peter, Thomas and the "beloved disciple" in John's Gospel. In Palermo, during a discussion, and I 'was the question of Chapter 21, which concludes the fourth Gospel and seems to introduce a reconciliation between the characters of Peter and the beloved disciple. I'm not saying it can not be assumed that the chapter was added to the end as an attempt to bring the community '"Johannine" and communities' "Petrine", but who tells us (since we have no other information about these two hypothetical communities') but that is not simply a chapter written to teach how to involve community leaders must '(Peter) and some other doctrine eschatological prophecies linked to the death of the "beloved disciple"?

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fleeting thoughts


without meta

la mia mente 

si perde 

nei meandri 

della vita 

e io 


without illusions

put aside

what I


a better future.


Saturday, March 5, 2011

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The scents of a book ...

Dopo troppo tempo oggi sono andata in libreria, quanto mi è mancato il profumo dei libri!
La cosa buffa è che amo sia l'odore di un libro nuovo sia quello di un libro vecchio e usato... non è magica questa cosa? oppure sono io che mi emoziono per niente? Sarà... però oggi pomeriggio non sarei più uscita da quella libreria... appena sono entrata ho fatto un respiro profondo e sono stata accolta da quel meraviglioso profumo che solo i libri sanno release. I like to shop, but there's nothing more beautiful in the world to buy a new book, especially when I do not know in advance what to take .... because then I can stay inside the store hours and hours without ever getting tired. Around the shelves, look at the cover, flip through some pages and on ... love at first sight! usually during the "session of exams," I take a tremendous effort to read something that is inherent with that study, which is why I unleashed as soon as I can put your brain on stand-by .
fact is that today I decided to start the first of the famous fantasy saga Licia Troisi: "Chronicles of the world emerged. Many have suggested read this series of books that have long arouses my curiosity, so I've decided and I bought the first volume "Nihal Earth Wind ".... perhaps you might give me a little 'help in my training this kind of writing.
Now I'm home and I expect a nice hot shower before going out tonight ...

Happy weekend my friends, see you soon!


Friday, March 4, 2011

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Ebook & Ebook Lab Italia: la prima fiera dedicata agli ebook in Italia

In questi giorni si sta svolgendo a Rimini EbookLabItalia , la prima fiera tematica Italian dedicated to the world of ebook . Although I was unable to be physically present because of previous commitments, I'm doing everything possible to cover the event, thanks to the opportunities offered by virtualization web.
topics worthy of study are numerous (we'll post soon with some specific), since we mark two interesting links for you to be also present virtually , enjoying full laudable initiative as the world 's ebook :

  • live in direct streaming ;
  • direct short text with twitter .

Below you can read the full program of Ebook Lab Italy:

We hope that the initiative to Simplicissimus contributes effectively to shift the remaining of conflict and resistance persisting against the adoption of ebooks. The pay off the event: " the future of books, the books of the future " can only be well-wishing, highlighting the wealth of content and variety of topics covered. I only wish, therefore, that a good participation in all!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bill Of Sale Printout

The spirit of 'water

Here we are, tonight I want to publish one of the episodes of the story I'm writing ... to be exact, I wrote the first (no particular order). I decided that this course will certainly not be a story fit for a child of five years as the my nephew is now ... then "The Adventures of Four Souls" will be dedicated to a small tale of older children .... say from 8-9 years old and over without limits ... :) The opening words served only to understand who are the main characters in this mini world invented by me ... Each episode will be one spirit in particular. What else? Perhaps the stories may seem trivial but it does not matter because I assure you that they are written from the heart ... this is my style ... I hope you enjoy it! ;)

The white blossom of Naek

Ungiorno summer a young elf named spondedi door was fishing along a river, when he noticed a strange presenzanell'acqua. A light beam was reaching to the granvelocità. He then leaned over to better understand what was eall'improvviso a hand emerged from the river, grabbed him and lotrascinò under water. Just when he thought diaffogare door opened his eyes and saw her. The spirit dellaforza water was a few feet away edegli felt enveloped by a feeling of wellbeing. Senzaombra was any doubt the most beautiful creature on which he had ever posatolo look.
Naek came quickly, gently stroked her face and then vanished. A moment later he was back door on the ground, petrified and stunned from it.

Lamattina following the elf again reached the banks of the river in hopes of being able to meet again. They passed the hours during which time calòla evening, but she did not ever see. What he had imagined
ognicosa? It was not possible, what he had experienced was real, it erasicuro. He had a strange premonition something was going to happen ....
Adun some point he noticed a few meters away from him a magnificent flower biancosbocciato in an instant. The elf came intrigued and saw that there was a side note, I opened it read: "This is a gift per leaf, elf kind of creaturely river. This flower can give you happiness . Antaisi immediately felt better, that was proof that the spirit was real.
Shortly after he fell asleep intoxicated by the scent of quelfiore and was woken at dawn by a vocemelodiosa.
"Wake up ... I am ... I am here ".
Antaiaprì eyes snap, stood up and gave a rapidaocchiata around. Videuna girl who had the same fairy that luiaspettava with trepidation.
"Losada you'd come back .. I am here to thank you. "Disseincredulo the elf.
"Loso." She said.
Naekera radiant. Her long hair fell down the back of the blue, avevadei lively golden eyes and skin candida and delicate. Unbellissimo wearing white dress.
She said nothing more. Shortly after he began acanthite and dancing on the spot, and a light rain avvolse.Antai them he was kidnapped and looked completely ondeggiareleggiadra.
Igiorni following the two met again and spent hours aparlare of nature, the world of dreams and hopes, their pianotra gradually arose a feeling of deep mutual respect. The elfosi was in love with this wonderful spirit and adoravacondividere a bit 'of his time admiring the misteriosacreatura.

Unasera Naek door and were lying in a clearing near studded DiFiore fragrant and were watching the moon and the stars that seemed to never having been tanto luminose. 
“Grazie...”disse ad un certo punto lo spirito.
“Dicosa stai parlando?” chiese l'elfo.
“Sei una creaturadall'animo buono Antai... ogni giorno il tuo sguardo mi cerca, crediin me e in tutto quello che sono...”
“Nonho mai avuto dubbi su di te...” disse sinceramente Antai.
“Credimi,non ho mai capito cosa fosse l'amore, ma forse ora sto imparando...”
“Naek,se potessi esprimere un desiderio vorrei condividere insieme a teogni istante che mi è concesso...”
Aquel point of the spirit took her hands in her door, he gently kissed the two avvicinòe. Quellofu the beginning of a pure feeling that never took effect.
Daquel Naek time but lost his powers because eravenuta its duty of protecting all waters, the naturaadesso would run its course without his help, he felt something was wrong last true happiness evisse his life as he had always hoped. INPO have now had to deal with his mortal condition, give up on love, however, was far peggiodella death itself.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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A fairy tale comes to life ...

Dear readers, I am writing tonight because I need you; your valuable opinion. For some 'time I started writing a short story directed especially to children: the idea had occurred to me reading some stories to my grandson for five years.
Since I like writing so much I wish I could do something for him, a story written entirely by her aunt so that her mom and her dad can read something original before bed, instead of the usual Little Red Riding Hood.
you place below the opening words of this series of mini stories and I would really appreciate if you were honest with me and told me what you think. If I see that the idea attracts so I will publish the parts that are slowly coming to life! :)

"The Adventures of Four Souls"

Moltotempo ago there was an ancient and forgotten world called Teurania , wisely ruled by four spirits, the children of Mother Nature. Essiavevano created the race of elves, living beings piùforti and durable than any other creature on those lands, they lived in harmony accantoa also dwarfs, elves and many animals.
Arter , the greatest of spirits, he was wise and patient. He had the shape donodi land to suopiacimento and often could be seen in the woods and wandered in search diqualche quiet grassy clearing in which to rest; suoimigliori the friends and brothers were the gnomes.
Arai, the second child, was caring and kind, and had to control the winds of ildono Teurania. This wonderful bright spirit dalvolto loved to play with the warm summer breezes, gently chescivolavano between the trees. She was protector and counselor of the elves.
Ocuf was the most spiteful and indomitable. With the gift of fire eglise believed the spirit stronger and used to fascinate edingannare elves, thanks to his good looks. His best amicierano the elves, with whom he delighted in creating jokes ognitipo.
Naek was beautiful, powerful and generous. Ditemperamento usually very sweet, this water spirit trascorrerele loved his days on the banks of the rivers to play with all creaturely persons, in particular with the animals of which was the protector.

Quellache read is the story of four courageous spirits, chehanno sacrificed their immortality to ilsentimento more mysterious and powerful of all: Love.



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Ebook e autopubblicazione: in UK ecco l'autore da 13000€ al mese

From overseas comes an interesting report confirms the strong appeal won dall'autopubblicazione based and digital among writers. Stephen Leather -lance writer, after a refusal by its publisher decided to do everything by himself publishing his novels in the circuit dell'Amazon Kindle. The result? He quickly climbed the top of the bestseller charts in the British online portal, for a net gain of approximately € 13,000 per month .
The figure is indicative of all the nascent field of digital publishing. Specifically, the true winner is not only the author but the ' ebook, also confirms that the European market its maturity. Reading in a format able to achieve significant sales figures also possible without a strong editorial filter and a sales orientation characteristic of the most classic and fierce promotional department.
Noteworthy was also the editorial marketing strategy applied by the author, based very strongly on the entrance fee, which appears below the psychological threshold of a single pound. A pricing strategy very intelligent and perhaps mediated by the great success of low cost applications in these new digital markets (one thinks of the software from the admission price aggressively present in the App Store from Apple).
Next , Leather entrusted himself to digital marketing to trigger word of mouth on the web and make known the availability of their books in Kindle Store.
behavior textbook marketing, which allowed the author to literally conquer the market, resulting in significant rewards not only economically but also a reputation. On the other hand, for readers annuities Ebook , there is certainly surprising, on the contrary I think the relative maturity also won the Italian market the ebook will give us similar cases in Italy soon. And maybe the next could be you who are reading!