Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sao Tome & Oil -senegal -dobras -dobra

Le prime due parole del Vangelo di Matteo sono, in greco, "biblos geneseos" (letteralmente "libro della genesi" di Gesu' Cristo). Fra gli studiosi c'e' disaccordo sul modo piu' opportuno di tradurre questa espressione, in particolare perche' non e' chiaro come si debba intendere il termine "genesis".
Le traduzioni italiane della Bibbia sono sorprendentemente tutte (almeno per quelle 4 o 5 che ho potuto controllare) concordi nel rendere la frase come "genealogia di Gesu' Cristo". Questa scelta presuppone che i traduttori abbiano pensato che queste prime parole si riferiscono alla sezione del primo capitolo che va dal versetto 1 al 17, nei which, in fact, lists the generations linking Abraham to Joseph, the foster father of Jesus'.
However, it seems strange that there is talk of a "book" on these few verses. In fact, among the Italian translations of the old King James Version has the most 'literal' book of the generation of Jesus' Christ. " In this case, the translator has evidently thought that the term refers to all the "infancy narratives" that are read in the first two chapters of the Gospel and it makes sense if these traditions are thought of as a kind of self-booklet that the author has slapped the beginning of his narrative.
But there is 'also at least a third possibility': the greek word "genesis" was chosen to draw the reader's first book of the Hebrew Bible which has, in fact, this title in the Greek tradition. Dale Allison discusses these and other possible 'interpretation in an article recently reprinted in a collection of his work on Matthew and known to the English versions, the same problems highlighted by the Italian ones. Probably there 'no way of knowing what the intention was "original" behind the choice of these words, but then asks Allison,' cause bound by translating "genealogy," which in fact dramatically limit the possibility 'of the reader who has access to only the translation? The solution proposed by Allison (and even embraced da Luz in the English edition of his commentary) and 'to translate the "book of genesis of Jesus' Christ."
seems to me that you could make this choice for Italian: for once, when it comes to translations, we would have one that has the advantage of respecting the more 'broad range of possibilities'. After all, "genesis" also means "birth" or "origin" and, for those who are 'able to catch the reference to the first book of the Torah , it does not hide anything.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Viavox Mg Para Que Sirve

Internet sta uccidendo la musica?

Internet and music: a combination that does a lot to discuss. Maybe you do not think that the web is killing the music , but surely continues to give back on what once was solid music industry and music business . For this reason, we need to adopt a new attitude and a different interpretive approach to a paradigm shift (and way of doing business) that over the years is accelerating more and more its initial trend.
that the traditional way of doing music business did not share all the water it was difficult to understand. Becomes rather difficult to understand why the various actors involved fossilized remains both positions and in many ways anachronistic self, while the consumers of music to the market desperately asking something different. Just read some comments about the music piracy on the blog of Courier Federico Cella this link to realize this.
In this sense, record companies and professionals in the sector should make efforts to meet the actual demand for music, transforming its competitors in complementori (union of competitor with complementary ).
not snug up now outdated practice that can turn the tide record companies or save those jobs that has been rendered useless by the digital revolution. On the other hand, a similar sacrifice is also required to composers and performers, these are concepts already discussed and accepted for many years now. Just think of what he writes Chris Anderson in his latest book, Free :
"[...] The online music it is the perfect example: Between digital reproduction and dissemination peer to peer , the real cost of distributing music is sunk. In this case, the product has become free because of the sheer force of economic gravity, with or without a business model behind it. This force is so powerful that it caused the failure of the [...] read, copy protection, guilt and any other barrier to piracy the labels have come up to oppose it "(p. 34, electronic version ePub).
The solution? New distribution models that cover the gap opened by offering more music to users and to the authors: it is what it is crying out from both sides, and that's exactly what's going to squeeze the profits and turnover of record .
The free will not eliminate from the face of the earth 's economy as well as music industry has not eliminated during the past century. Al contrario, i campioni gratuiti, i loss leader , il modello di distribuzione dei contenuti free to air (tipico dei media tradizionale come i canali radio - televisivi in chiaro) ed i prodotti complementari in omaggio ( free gift inside ) hanno contribuito a costruire un mercato evoluto e sofisticato che altrimenti non avrebbe potuto svilupparsi.
Ora una nuova forma di questa economia del dono sta prendendo piede attraverso internet, ovvero proprio dove i costi di stoccaggio e duplicazione del prodotto si stanno approssimando verso lo zero. La mia opinione è che dietro a questo cambiamento epocale si nascondano molte più occasioni di sviluppo e business di quanto si voglia normalmente far credere. Ogni singolo file musicale mp3 sold in a conscious way is therefore free of the prodrome of a product or service that can generate additional income for musicians and for professionals in the music industry.
Internet will not kill the music but rather will contribute to his new maturity. Understand how to bring operational efficiency this gift economy 2.0 is the real challenge that the protagonists of the new digital market must overcome.
Learn how to make money with your music on the web!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Can Babies Get Broken Veins On Cheeks

traditions and inventions

few days ago, blog di Sandro Magister, I found this posting on liturgical questions held by Bishop Athanasius Schneider. The particular child but, I think, significant, says near the end when Schneider comes out against abuses such as the "celebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice in the mode 'of a closed circle in which priest and people constantly watching each other in the face". This practice, according to the bishop, should be refused (to return to the priest from 'back to the faithful),' cause "the practice that contradicts Jesus' and His Apostles observed both in the public prayer in the temple and the synagogue."
The invention of tradition and 'serious business and just read a bit' of Irenaeus or Tertullian had to understand that those big clear how the operation will work only if based on mere apodictic and absolute (Even so, 'however, there are risks, as evidenced by the personal story of Tertullian). Now, times are a bit 'changed and certain strategies may also be broken' so 'good (in most' in this case, Schneider has the problem that what he wants chimeras "tradition" in undisputed reality 'has been contradicted by the last three or four Popes, that the same should be the chief custodians).

At this point, which is Schneider? The throw from an historical perspective that should come to the aid of the theology in trouble '. This and 'the practice observed by Jesus' itself (and the apostles)?
E ' difficult to see how Schneider comes to this conclusion about the temple in Jerusalem, however, it appears that the altar was the center of a courtyard, and then it would not be weird to imagine that the participants in the rituals were in a circle. Fortunately, we are better placed with regard to the synagogues, so we have many archaeological findings. To be brief, I take just two examples. The first photo of this post and 'a glimpse of the beautiful frescoes of Dura Europos synagogue (third century): the building has a stone bench running along all four walls. E 'we may conclude that the faithful were in a circle. The second photo and 'one of the synagogue at Gamla (perhaps the first century before our era), and that' probably the synagogue more 'old dug in the Land of Israel to this day. As you can see, the room has four steps that served as benches and run along all sides: the conclusion, 'the same.
I do not want to say that this was the structure of all the synagogues in the time of Jesus ': just browse the extensive book of Lee Levine, "The Ancient Synagogue," to see how great the variety'. In addition 'there should be benches or mats on which people sat or squatted and which have not survived.
The point 'that just a little historical research' seriously can not 'which problematize the reckless assertion of Schneider. It would be appropriate to simply say that the liturgy must be made in a certain way because ', for revelation, si sa che questa e' "l'unica, autentica pratica" e smetterla di torturare la storia per farla entrare nel letto di Procuste di quella che puo' essere solo teologia.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Symptoms Of Human Worms

Constitution as the Word of God

La scorsa settimana, quando la nuova legislatura del Congresso americano e' iniziata con la nuova maggioranza repubblicana, i deputati hanno organizzato una lettura integrale della Costituzione degli USA. La cosa non suonera' strana dal momento che a molti e' ben noto il feticismo americano nei confronti di questo documento e che l'iniziativa si e' inserita perfettamente all'interno di una certa retorica politica che sembra "pagare" in questo momento. Tuttavia, mi e' sembrato molto interessante questo articolo di commento che ho trovato sul sito web del NYT.
Il fatto, certamente minore, ma nondimeno curioso, e' che la Costituzione non e' stata letta per intero: alcune parti sono state saltate per errore, ma altre sono state conspevolmente evitate. In particolare, una interessante discussione e' derivata dal fatto che si siano taciute le sezioni che, nella versione originale, si riferivano alla schiavitu'. L'argomento degli organizzatori della lettura si fondava sull'approvazione, avvenuta nel 1865, del famoso tredicesimo emendamento che proibisce la schiavitu' e di fatto rende obsolete quelle disposizioni. Altri hanno obiettato che, operando in questo modo, a tutti gli effetti si "sterilizza" la lettura, nascondendo un'orribile parte della storia americana, i cui effetti si fanno sentire ancora oggi.
E' difficile non accorgersi di quanto simili siano i problemi e le conseguenti discussioni che la chiese si trovano ad affrontare quando si organizzano letture, liturgiche e non, della Bibbia. In effetti, nel testo sacro c'e' molto di cui ci si potrebbe vergognare: si veda, per esempio, questo commento di padre Scalese sulla necessita' di "smussare" un po' i Salmi (la preghiera di Gesu'!) nei passi in cui si trovano terribili maledizioni e imprecazioni. D'altra parte, riflettendo l'anno scorso con alcuni studenti su quei passi di Giovanni che grondano anti-giudaismo (per non dire vero e proprio anti-semitismo), si notava come la lettura stessa non faccia altro che ripetere e mantenere in vita la violenza di tali parole.
Non c'e' via di uscita facile o sicura da questi problemi, ma, per tornare alla Costituzione americana, e' davvero difficile capire, da un punto di vista europeo, come si possa essere arrivati a tale equiparazione con la Bibbia ( qui , un divertente post di Arturo Vasquez, ma la cosa e' certamente ancora piu' incomprensibile per noi italiani, data la scarsa "autorevolezza" della nostra Costituzione). Alcuni anni fa, l'antropologo Vincent Crapanzano aveva studiato il fenomeno in un libro ("Serving the Word") in cui metteva in parallelo gli evangelici e una certa scuola americana di diritto costituzionale. E' straordinario (e, da un certo punto di vista, anche un po' preoccupante) che un paese nato nel piu' rigoroso secolarismo abbia visto diventare testo sacro proprio il suo documento fondativo.

Pruritus Ani Acupuncture Treatment

Come proporre un libro su internet ed offline

Many of the requests I receive from those who have read my manual on marketing Editorial concern propose strategies to effectively in publishing a book or traditional publishers. In fact, the trend of aspiring authors and writers has not experienced a crisis, and there are still many people who have a book in the drawer and a lot of desire to sign a publishing contract .
But how to submit your book increasing the chances of success? Let us therefore explore the theme through the operational advice, while offering some suggestions to increase the chances of being chosen. We will discover that Internet can become a key ally to achieve the goal. At this point, ignoring the issue of quality of the editorial product, because we give for granted that your book is worthy of finding a publisher.
First, the author is called upon to undertake work towards selection publishers that publish specifically the issues addressed in his book. The writer is called to know and deepen necklaces publisher to whom you ask, because this condition favors the understanding of the context in which the editors take their own decisions. The Internet is a great help in this regard because it via the website of the publishing house is You can find plenty of information on those responsible for publishing and organization of the series. In many cases, on the Web site will also find information on how to properly formulate the proposals for publication. This information can save a lot of time because publishers tend to reject the proposals do not conform to its guidelines.
Secondly, do a thorough job of editing your book. Do not trust your easy reading, but entrusts the book to readers outside of proven competence, so that they can provide real feedback and ensure greater opportunity to be considered. In the markets this role is often played by literary agents, che dovrebbero però occuparsene senza esose richieste o pretese economiche perché il loro guadagno dovrebbe concretizzarsi in caso di avvenuta pubblicazione.
Ricordati inoltre di tutelare il tuo diritto d'autore inviandoti una copia cartacea del manoscritto in busta chiusa al tuo indirizzo di residenza. Mantieni la busta sigillata: il timbro postale farà fede e garantirà sulla proprietà intellettuale dell'opera.
A questo punto, avrai a disposizione un lavoro pronto ad essere proposto alle case editrici. Avrai inoltre a  tua disposizione una tabella od un elenco delle case editrici a cui proporre il tuo libro (sarà il risultato del lavoro di selezione di cui abbiamo parlato initially).
Prepare a letter of introduction and the book of your career as a writer. If you have not published a book, you can enter any publication of articles in magazines or on the Internet. Remember customize each letter depending on the publishing house to which you are targeting. Do not exceed the text of the letter is difficult because the staff of the publishing house will lose a lot of time reading it.
Underlying all these tips, lies the main rule of publishing success: avoiding improvisation. What most writers at the beginning is that it ignores the work of publishing is difficult and complex altrattanto quanto quello di scrittura. Raggiungere l'agognato contratto di edizione richiede sforzi e sacrifici, assieme ad una politica di proposta verso le case editrici ben pianificata ed intelligente. Ogni autore dovrebbe diventare il miglior PR e marketer di sé stesso, fatto che richiede l'acquisizione di competenze e lo sviluppo di abilità specifiche. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Maternity Tights Calgary

An "angry mob" in St. Peter's fallibility

Sandro Magister, nel suo blog, riportava alcuni giorni dopo Natale la notizia del pranzo del Papa con 350 "poveri" e la commentava riferendosi ad un articolo, pubblicato sull'Osservatore romano, di Vincenzo Fiocchi Nicolai, professore di archeologia cristiana all'universita' di Tor Vergata. L'articolo , dal titolo programmatico di "Tutti a pranzo con il primo degli apostoli", contiene numerose informazioni interessanti sulla basilica di San Pietro nei secoli immediatamente seguenti la its construction by Constantine, the place where it was supposed to be buried the "Prince of the Apostles." In the final section, Fiocchi Nicolai focuses on the role of "aid to the poor of Rome" performed by the church (in reality ', rather than turning the Roman aristocracy - the model of a paternalistic patronage well before the advent of Christianity - as all the examples cited are those of noble women or senators who give money or meals to the population).
I found an interesting news Fiocchi Nicolai draws from Augustine, who complains that the basilica became the scene of "... revelry and disorder at funeral banquets memorial." Rightly, I think, flakes Nicolai accosta questo riferimento agli episodi simili che avvenivano in Africa "nelle chiese martiriali" e di cui ancora Agostino, sempre lamentoso, e' uno dei testimoni piu' importanti.
Va detto che le lamentele (e anche le accuse, probabilmente false, di eccessi) sono dovute al fatto che l'abitudine di celebrare banchetti e danze presso le tombe dei martiri era propria dei cosiddetti "circoncellioni" e dei donatisti, i gruppi cristiani che erano eredi delle tradizioni africane e che Agostino deve, in ogni modo possibile, far sparire per ottenere una chiesa "ortodossa" e filo-imperiale. Queste cerimonie sono state recentemente descritte in modo molto approfondito da Remo Cacitti, professore di letteratura cristiana antica all'universita' University of Milan, in his book "Angry mob. The religious foundations of subversion social, political dissent and protest of the Church Circumcellions of Africa." The banquet was an opportunity to have a taste of the joy that the end times would be reserved for true followers of Christ and the martyrs who had already 'reached by virtue' of their sacrifice, as shown very effectively Cacitti, the thrill spiritual natural transformation in the subversion of social hierarchies of power and the Church (and of course could not please the hyper-conformist of Hippo). The approach suggested by
Fiocchi Nicolai seems wholly appropriate: after all, St. Peter and 'conceived as the place burial of a martyr. I am a bit 'less secure that it can to please Ratzinger the rediscovery of this historic link between his activities' such practices and charitable "heretical" and subversive.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

What Weave Does Bootz Use

Trends Digitali e Culturali per il 2011

Il 2010 si è rivelato un anno di grandi cambiamenti per la cultura digitale italiana . Dalla down in the field of traditional publishing houses in the slaughter of the ebook market price of digital products, by the emergence of digital terrestrial television as a universal standard until the descent into the field of new and seasoned online retailers like . The 2011 promises to build even stronger in some of the trends listed above, and to bring to our region of the innovations that will leave its mark. The following is a list of some digital trend which I expect to develop further in the coming months, take them for what they are, thumb or an attempt to understand the natural destination for many trends currently in progress.

1° Trend - La televisione diviene 2.0
La televisione è stata data per spacciata diverse volte nel corso degli ultimi anni, eppure proprio come avviene per la radio e per altri media non potrà mai essere sostituita da internet. E' da notare, ad esempio, come la TV possa rappresentare ancora oggi un notevole strumento di aggregazione sociale ; si pensi ad esempio alle casalinghe oppure ai bambini ed agli adolescenti che passano insieme molte ore del proprio tempo libero davanti allo schermo televisivo. In questo senso, è paradossale come la televisione possa essere molto più sociale di alcuni social network considerati cool and probably overestimated. In recent years the television screen has acted to remedy its biggest flaw, the monodirectionality broadcasts and the lack of any real feedback system, through the multiplication of channels and the theming of the transmissions.
these circumstances, a move away from the television as a means of entertainment and (to a lesser extent) information in 2011 can certainly not be a sustainable point. The growth in the size of televisions in the lounges owned home is a clear metaphor for the importance that this still holds within the standard package family. Rather, it is conceivable during the new year, a greater integration of TV with new forms of content distribution. An example is the Apple TV and the innovative forms of rental and purchase content via streaming. Even Google will not stand by solving the resistors and the problems encountered in the past year to create a Google TV, and thus providing the ability to see through new-generation televisions, video content sites such as Youtube participatory.
The real challenge will be played, in my opinion, on this last point: allow people to easily enjoy the many free content streamed on the Internet present can lead to large changes in how to use the television at home. This is exactly what could happen in 2011.

2 ° Trend - The growth in both sides of the market for digital publishing and ebook
L ' Italian publishing was literally shaken in 2010 by the new phenomenon of the ebook. In 2011, each publisher will have understood that the ebook market becomes essential to protect its revenues and ensure sustainability in the years to come. At the same time, the same will continue to have strong attitudes of ambivalence on the issue, because given the nature of the Italian market returns Digital sales are not yet able to replace lost sales resulting from the crisis of paper sector.
The ebook market therefore continue its growth trend , although this will be smaller and weaker than the digital markets abroad. While no publisher will refrain from providing their own digital collection, the other will be possible boycott measures to limit the deployment process. An example is the adoption of complicated protection systems and DRM, easily bypass those who want to use the files illegally, but too complicated and different for adoption between various publishing houses to make the experience of buying and reading average incurred by Purchaser.
All this suggests that over the next year the digital publishing gap between foreign and Italian is set to increase significantly, making our industry uncompetitive on the basis of possible investments.

3 ° Trend - The Return of experts
The great growth of the Italian web started since 2000 and continued until 2010 led the market into a new phase of maturity. Today it has to be over 32 million people connected to the Internet in Italy: this means that many of smaller niches issues have now been covered or are otherwise close to saturation.
At the same time, the gradual reduction of storage costs information led to a surplus supply of content (the famous Long Tail by Chris Anderson), offering the benefits only quantitative but qualitative ones while penalizing.
The result is that most people experience today the use of a surplus of content, on which even the best search engines do not seem to be able to intervene with the appropriate filters. These assumptions show an increasing trend for the sector experts and consultants digital, which will be responsible for selecting thanks to their skills the most useful information for users, offering an important added value than the previous automatic methods: the human factor. Together with this trend must be taken into account the possible growth of social networks and portals in which the sale of experience plays a major role (consider, for example, the emergence of lightning Quore , a social network based on ' experience of the participants literally unknown in Italy until late 2010).

4 th Trend - Revenge of the cultural needs and the new relationship with customers
The year 2010 was the affirmation of cultural services cut tailored for people. Cultural organizations have come to know in more detail their customers but have so far failed in the task of building a relationship and a dialogue with them. On the other hand, artists themselves have often been able to better anticipate this trend, beginning to establish a direct relationship with its audience, and in some cases, cutting out the traditional cultural mediation agencies. During 2011 the reduction of budget and public funding for culture relentlessly pursue and accelerate this process, as private funds still available are scarce and will be a competitive battle taken to extremes.
The year 2011 will be business models no longer cultural self and less dependent on government contributions. The publishers, record companies and the major protagonists of the cultural industry to fully understand the advantage of ' establish a conversation with customers , a core function of their operation that can no longer drain through the simple creation of a mailing list but instead will go to create profiles in social networks and the making of participatory tool available.
A real revenge of the needs of customers who will be given a renewed focus and a much higher.

5 ° Trend - Exploitation and purchase of new digital content to mobile
If the ebook in Italy seems to have given way, in the navigation and use of mobile content have few rivals. During 2010 we have witnessed a substantial share of smart phones and smart phones, such that always on million.
During 2011 this new market of mobile users reach greater maturity. Telephone companies further refine the micropayment systems already structured in 2010, finally allowing all users to purchase music, books and applications by downloading the cost of downloads directly on their mobile phone credit. This process can be an incredible flying to the development of mobile digital market, able to gain weight and importance in comparison to the digital market from Web surfing cable.

The five trend just described not meant to be exhaustive, but rather to represent useful tools for understanding the interpretive direction that will take the digital market in of 2011. If you think you have useful information in addition to the contents set out in this article, you can leave your suggestions in the comments, will assess any possible additions to the article.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Discontinued Noguchi Lamps

Teaching the 'Science

"Rationally Speaking", the beautiful blog of Massimo Pigliucci, a professor of philosophy at the City University of New York, last week took a post dedicated to the interesting " Problem replicability 'in science. " As often happens to me, I learned many things that I did not know from this discussion of Pigliucci and also recommend reading the article link, 'cause makes it even more' clear and interesting subject (incidentally, I also recommend the post more 'recent that Pigliucci devoted to a critical, very sensible in my view, the advertising' that the association "American Atheists" released in the U.S. and I mentioned I talking about "myths" ).
In essence, Pigliucci refers to some recent studies show that, for a growing number of scientific discoveries, problems of replicability ': that is, when you try to repeat the experiment that led to the discovery, or the results are not repeated or recur with significant discrepancies. Rightly, Pigliucci defines this amazing fact or even problematic. Potentially, it would put a whole in crisis rhetoric, widespread and highly influential, the absolute reliability 'of the results of scientific investigations. They are inexperienced and therefore I will not go into the matter and reasons Pigliucci suggests, but I was very interested in the reflection of Ioannidis which concludes the post: "If we do not talk to the public of these problems, then we are no better than those non-scientists who falsely claim the ability 'to work miracles. If the drugs do not work and we are not sure of how something should be treated, because' we should say something different? Some fear that you may receive less funding if we stop to say that we can prove that we have some miracle cure. "
analogy, and 'the same dilemma which I discussed recently with some graduate students: the first lesson of a course "Introduction to the New Testament," with the class full of students who know nothing of the discipline and will probably only follow this course on NT throughout their lives, we say that we have certainty (for example, the issue or the synoptic Jesus 'historical) or we will say that, yes', there 'majority opinion, but there are other theories and, ultimately, history and' a science very partial? Please note that the problem is not 'just do what most' good students, but must also consider the interest of the teacher (even though there are of course in dance for the funding of medical research or other such things): how many students will be class alla seconda lezione del professore socratico, che "sa di non sapere"? E quanto a lungo gli sara' rinnovato il contratto, se pochi o nessuno vanno a sentire le sue lezioni?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Old Ati All In Wonder 3d Rage Ii C Cards

How to lay out a book or an ebook [Tutorial]

How typesetting a book or an ebook ?!? The topic seems very timely for several reasons. With the growth of self-publishing in recent years, many authors have met their dream of publishing a book. To accomplish this, they had to improvise a bit 'and some authors' publishers, acquiring all its those skills and knowledge that characterize the traditional publishing industry . Think about the number and diversity of professionals that are usually used in the traditional cultural industry to realize how complex a job well done in achieving autonomy.
On the other hand, the internet is a phenomenal box editorial skills and operational procedures , so you just know what and how try to find the information needed to perform work more than adequate. However, this is a difficult and uncertain outcome, especially if you are in front of the first publication, because what they can not overcome is the lack of experience. It is not uncommon for me to receive emails and requests for information and details regarding the technical aspects of formatting and setting up a book or an ebook , that led me to write this little tutorial .
First, we must distinguish between ebook and printed book . When it comes to writing you can use any page size, but once you've finished your book and you want to publish via print on demand, will have to adapt to the needs of your print carrier. With regard to the publication of books traditional formats are usually provided directly by the reference sites.
A terrific value from the link is to free collection of templates that comes from and can also be used in the process of writing your book so that you can be sure to have a book ready for printing through a Pod (the table is shown in the picture below).
While traditional publishing software are used as very advanced LaTeX for publishing a book self a simple word processor like Microsoft Word or Open Office is more than enough. You can find the complete table from which to download the template of the books at the following web address (scroll down the page until the bottom).
speech to radically change the layout of a book in ebook format . Given that the book should not be printed but benefited from an electronic screen, the page size setting lose their original meaning to give way to the characteristics of character formatting.
The most elegant solution currently available is the Epub format, but is also the most complex or expensive for independent authors. On the Internet there are many software gratuiti in grado di convertire file di word in formati ePub , ma i risultati non sono sempre dei migliori e mancano di avvicinarsi alla sufficienza professionale che si ci attende da un ebook a pagamento.
Ad ogni modo, se volete tentare, vi consiglio di utilizzare l'ottimo convertitore gratuito  Calibre , un software multiuso molto utile da tenere nel proprio computer perché presenta anche un componente per la lettura di ePub.
La strada più sicura per un autore indipendente resta il formato PDF , sia per la propria universalità che per la facilità di creazione (con openoffice è presente un icona specifica directly in the toolbar). While this format is more standardized, the other has a remarkable rigidity of change, so the advice is to use a height of characters high enough in order to make it easier to read screen. When
typeset your book, pay special attention all'interlinea (for the ebook should not be too narrow) and the character you choose. Should facilitate the reading, so roll on Times New Roman for the paper version or the Air and Verdana for the digital edition.
In conclusion, if you are on your first autopubblicazioni, it is very important to think of these details and make sure to get a job as professional as possible; the success of a book lies not only in content but also in its form . Do not store this information in the stage of layout could frustrate your efforts and penalize a positive editorial work.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Renew British Drivers License


La Rai è l'editore STATALE di radio e tv. La RAI esige un canone, ma questo canone per cosa lo esige?
Per questo?

La RAI deve poter far accedere i CITTADINI italiani da ogni dove, in qualsiasi momento, ai suoi contenuti, utilizzando SOFTWARE OPEN SOURCE e accessibili da qualsiasi SISTEMA OPERATIVO e BROWSER!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Stomach Hurts After Eating Apples

The "king" Magi

In periodo natalizio, per evidenti motivi, ci sono piu' occasioni di essere intervistati sugli episodi relativi all'infanzia di Gesu' e sul valore "storico" di questi racconti. Proprio durante uno di questi esercizi, mi e' capitato di riflettere un po' sulla storia della visita dei Magi e sulla storia della sua interpretazione. Mt 2:1-12, fra i racconti leggendari nei Vangeli, e' di certo uno dei piu' affascinanti, ma e' notevole vedere quanto vi sia stato aggiunto dall'esegesi and pity '"popular."
Consider, for example, that the Magi are often depicted as king, although 'there is no trace of this particular in Matthew. There 'are those who maintain that this development "political" is to be connected to the fact that, immediately, the wise men become role models for the "true believer". The scene of adoration displayed on a large number of sarcophagi of the early Christian era, as in the example shown here. It 's interesting to note that, in addition to gold taken from the first, the other wise men do not have the gifts you would expect, but bread and other foodstuffs. Some interpret this as a reference to particular charities that the deceased put in the foreground to show that he deserved salvation (indeed, it even comes to identify the "owner" of the sarcophagus in the fourth character robe that follows the trio of the Magi, however, wear the proper clothing left).

This overlap between the Magi and individual believers became even more 'interesting when the emperors became Christians. Until that point, the political meaning of history was limited to the poor showing made by Herod, but it 's clear that, from Constantine onwards, the sovereign can not' more 'accepting of being relegated to such an uncomfortable position. In fact, from the fourth century begins to peep at the idea that the Magi were "king" and then this will become 'an immovable element of history in medieval times. Like the Magi, the king has his crown of gold as an offering to the baby Jesus', in return, Jesus' sovereign guarantees the "right" to rule, precisely because 'of this solemn demonstration of devotion.
that the Magi are "kings" began to be criticized when the Reformers urge to be more 'careful what e' actually wrote in the New Testament. However, as pointed out in his commentary on Matthew Luz, and this' just another demonstration of the exegetical decisions have little impact in this field: in all respects, especially nei paesi cattolici, i Magi sono rimasti "re" e come tali vengono rappresentati ed immaginati.

Monday, January 3, 2011

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Paolo De Benedetti and the donkey of Balaam

Nella puntata di "Uomini e profeti" precedente il Natale, Paolo De Benedetti, professore di Giudaismo alla Facolta' teologica di Milano, ha commentato i capitoli conclusivi del libro dei Numeri e, in particolare, il famoso episodio dell'asina di Balaam che si legge al capitolo 22. La storia e' assai piacevole e il commento di De Benedetti a tratti assai fine: quindi, consiglio a tutti di ascoltarla, se potete scaricare il podcast .
Tuttavia, vorrei scrivere due parole di commento su quanto De Benedetti dice proprio all'inizio della puntata, quando la conduttrice, Gabriella Caramore, lo invita a esprimere un giudizio sulla serie di letture bibliche fin qui offerte da "Uomini e profeti". De Benedetti risponde che meglio non si potrebbe fare e quindi snocciola una serie di "regole" che dovrebbero guidare la corretta ermeneutica biblica. Si tratta, sorprendentemente, di una piccola lezione di metodo storico-critico in tutto simile a quella che il mio maestro ripete sempre agli studenti alle prime armi (prima di tutto critica testuale, poi critica redazionale e delle forme e, per finire, critica letteraria). Dico sorprendentemente perche' pochissimi degli ospiti di "Uomini e profeti" hanno seguito un approccio storico-critico: anzi, molti lo hanno esplicitamente rifiutato. Ma tutto risulta piu' chiaro non appena De Benedetti begins to leave comments.
As you know, the story begins with the king of Moab, Balak, who cares for the arrival of the Israelites. De Benedetti tells us that it is the same concern that you feel justified in our country today for the arrival of immigrants. Historical-critical method? We have here an example of the more 'traditional exegesis moralistic. A desire to be attentive to the text data would be enough to look at the verse 22:2, which says that Balak saw what Israel had done to the Amorites. Just before the end of chapter 21, and there 'has been said that Israel has passed to the sword the king of the Amorites, the inhabitants chased out of their cities' and occupied the whole of their territory, perhaps Balak not had a point to be a bit 'in apprehension.
De Benedetti goes on to say that the Moabites, like us, do not realize that the Israel / immigrants are in effect equal to them, 'cause descended from Lot, a relative of Abraham. The "genealogy," says De Benedetti, was used not only in the Bible and not only in antiquity ', to rediscover this unit' otherwise blurred. Determine what "intentions" are used certain "forms" of literature and 'a big problem of the historical-critical method and you can see that in the case of "genealogy". Certainly the genealogies establish a single 'original, but are also used to show the superiority' of a people (in the Bible, always Israel) on others. That the Edomites descended from Esau 'is mainly intended to show that they are inferior to the descendants of Jacob, Esau having regard to the figures' is in Genesis, the same way, the fact that the Moabites descended incestuous union of Lot with his own daughters (Gen 19:30-38) is certainly not helping their cause.
De Benedetti will conclude 'the bet, saying that the violent passages of the Bible to be overcome because' the biblical text "grows" with its readers and their "evolution" Moral: If things are so ', why the need 'to establish a critical text? There would be enough the last translation of the CEI?