Many of the requests I receive from those who have read my manual on marketing Editorial concern propose strategies to effectively in publishing a book or traditional publishers. In fact, the trend of aspiring authors and writers has not experienced a crisis, and there are still many people who have a book in the drawer and a lot of desire to sign a publishing contract .
But how to submit your book increasing the chances of success? Let us therefore explore the theme through the operational advice, while offering some suggestions to increase the chances of being chosen. We will discover that Internet can become a key ally to achieve the goal. At this point, ignoring the issue of quality of the editorial product, because we give for granted that your book is worthy of finding a publisher.
First, the author is called upon to undertake work towards selection publishers that publish specifically the issues addressed in his book. The writer is called to know and deepen necklaces publisher to whom you ask, because this condition favors the understanding of the context in which the editors take their own decisions. The Internet is a great help in this regard because it via the website of the publishing house is You can find plenty of information on those responsible for publishing and organization of the series. In many cases, on the Web site will also find information on how to properly formulate the proposals for publication. This information can save a lot of time because publishers tend to reject the proposals do not conform to its guidelines.
Secondly, do a thorough job of editing your book. Do not trust your easy reading, but entrusts the book to readers outside of proven competence, so that they can provide real feedback and ensure greater opportunity to be considered. In the markets this role is often played by literary agents, che dovrebbero però occuparsene senza esose richieste o pretese economiche perché il loro guadagno dovrebbe concretizzarsi in caso di avvenuta pubblicazione.
Ricordati inoltre di tutelare il tuo diritto d'autore inviandoti una copia cartacea del manoscritto in busta chiusa al tuo indirizzo di residenza. Mantieni la busta sigillata: il timbro postale farà fede e garantirà sulla proprietà intellettuale dell'opera.
A questo punto, avrai a disposizione un lavoro pronto ad essere proposto alle case editrici. Avrai inoltre a tua disposizione una tabella od un elenco delle case editrici a cui proporre il tuo libro (sarà il risultato del lavoro di selezione di cui abbiamo parlato initially).
Prepare a letter of introduction and the book of your career as a writer. If you have not published a book, you can enter any publication of articles in magazines or on the Internet. Remember customize each letter depending on the publishing house to which you are targeting. Do not exceed the text of the letter is difficult because the staff of the publishing house will lose a lot of time reading it.
Underlying all these tips, lies the main rule of publishing success: avoiding improvisation. What most writers at the beginning is that it ignores the work of publishing is difficult and complex altrattanto quanto quello di scrittura. Raggiungere l'agognato contratto di edizione richiede sforzi e sacrifici, assieme ad una politica di proposta verso le case editrici ben pianificata ed intelligente. Ogni autore dovrebbe diventare il miglior PR e marketer di sé stesso, fatto che richiede l'acquisizione di competenze e lo sviluppo di abilità specifiche.
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