Il 2010 si è rivelato un anno di grandi cambiamenti per la cultura digitale italiana . Dalla down in the field of traditional publishing houses in the slaughter of the ebook market price of digital products, by the emergence of digital terrestrial television as a universal standard until the descent into the field of new and seasoned online retailers like . The 2011 promises to build even stronger in some of the trends listed above, and to bring to our region of the innovations that will leave its mark. The following is a list of some digital trend which I expect to develop further in the coming months, take them for what they are, thumb or an attempt to understand the natural destination for many trends currently in progress.
1° Trend - La televisione diviene 2.0
La televisione è stata data per spacciata diverse volte nel corso degli ultimi anni, eppure proprio come avviene per la radio e per altri media non potrà mai essere sostituita da internet. E' da notare, ad esempio, come la TV possa rappresentare ancora oggi un notevole strumento di aggregazione sociale ; si pensi ad esempio alle casalinghe oppure ai bambini ed agli adolescenti che passano insieme molte ore del proprio tempo libero davanti allo schermo televisivo. In questo senso, è paradossale come la televisione possa essere molto più sociale di alcuni social network considerati cool and probably overestimated. In recent years the television screen has acted to remedy its biggest flaw, the monodirectionality broadcasts and the lack of any real feedback system, through the multiplication of channels and the theming of the transmissions.
these circumstances, a move away from the television as a means of entertainment and (to a lesser extent) information in 2011 can certainly not be a sustainable point. The growth in the size of televisions in the lounges owned home is a clear metaphor for the importance that this still holds within the standard package family. Rather, it is conceivable during the new year, a greater integration of TV with new forms of content distribution. An example is the Apple TV and the innovative forms of rental and purchase content via streaming. Even Google will not stand by solving the resistors and the problems encountered in the past year to create a Google TV, and thus providing the ability to see through new-generation televisions, video content sites such as Youtube participatory.
The real challenge will be played, in my opinion, on this last point: allow people to easily enjoy the many free content streamed on the Internet present can lead to large changes in how to use the television at home. This is exactly what could happen in 2011.
2 ° Trend - The growth in both sides of the market for digital publishing and ebook
L ' Italian publishing was literally shaken in 2010 by the new phenomenon of the ebook. In 2011, each publisher will have understood that the ebook market becomes essential to protect its revenues and ensure sustainability in the years to come. At the same time, the same will continue to have strong attitudes of ambivalence on the issue, because given the nature of the Italian market returns Digital sales are not yet able to replace lost sales resulting from the crisis of paper sector.
The ebook market therefore continue its growth trend , although this will be smaller and weaker than the digital markets abroad. While no publisher will refrain from providing their own digital collection, the other will be possible boycott measures to limit the deployment process. An example is the adoption of complicated protection systems and DRM, easily bypass those who want to use the files illegally, but too complicated and different for adoption between various publishing houses to make the experience of buying and reading average incurred by Purchaser.
All this suggests that over the next year the digital publishing gap between foreign and Italian is set to increase significantly, making our industry uncompetitive on the basis of possible investments.
3 ° Trend - The Return of experts
The great growth of the Italian web started since 2000 and continued until 2010 led the market into a new phase of maturity. Today it has to be over 32 million people connected to the Internet in Italy: this means that many of smaller niches issues have now been covered or are otherwise close to saturation.
At the same time, the gradual reduction of storage costs information led to a surplus supply of content (the famous Long Tail by Chris Anderson), offering the benefits only quantitative but qualitative ones while penalizing.
The result is that most people experience today the use of a surplus of content, on which even the best search engines do not seem to be able to intervene with the appropriate filters. These assumptions show an increasing trend for the sector experts and consultants digital, which will be responsible for selecting thanks to their skills the most useful information for users, offering an important added value than the previous automatic methods: the human factor. Together with this trend must be taken into account the possible growth of social networks and portals in which the sale of experience plays a major role (consider, for example, the emergence of lightning Quore , a social network based on ' experience of the participants literally unknown in Italy until late 2010).
4 th Trend - Revenge of the cultural needs and the new relationship with customers
The year 2010 was the affirmation of cultural services cut tailored for people. Cultural organizations have come to know in more detail their customers but have so far failed in the task of building a relationship and a dialogue with them. On the other hand, artists themselves have often been able to better anticipate this trend, beginning to establish a direct relationship with its audience, and in some cases, cutting out the traditional cultural mediation agencies. During 2011 the reduction of budget and public funding for culture relentlessly pursue and accelerate this process, as private funds still available are scarce and will be a competitive battle taken to extremes.
The year 2011 will be business models no longer cultural self and less dependent on government contributions. The publishers, record companies and the major protagonists of the cultural industry to fully understand the advantage of ' establish a conversation with customers , a core function of their operation that can no longer drain through the simple creation of a mailing list but instead will go to create profiles in social networks and the making of participatory tool available.
A real revenge of the needs of customers who will be given a renewed focus and a much higher.
5 ° Trend - Exploitation and purchase of new digital content to mobile
If the ebook in Italy seems to have given way, in the navigation and use of mobile content have few rivals. During 2010 we have witnessed a substantial share of smart phones and smart phones, such that always on million.
During 2011 this new market of mobile users reach greater maturity. Telephone companies further refine the micropayment systems already structured in 2010, finally allowing all users to purchase music, books and applications by downloading the cost of downloads directly on their mobile phone credit. This process can be an incredible flying to the development of mobile digital market, able to gain weight and importance in comparison to the digital market from Web surfing cable.
The five trend just described not meant to be exhaustive, but rather to represent useful tools for understanding the interpretive direction that will take the digital market in of 2011. If you think you have useful information in addition to the contents set out in this article, you can leave your suggestions in the comments, will assess any possible additions to the article.
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