Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Viavox Mg Para Que Sirve

Internet sta uccidendo la musica?

Internet and music: a combination that does a lot to discuss. Maybe you do not think that the web is killing the music , but surely continues to give back on what once was solid music industry and music business . For this reason, we need to adopt a new attitude and a different interpretive approach to a paradigm shift (and way of doing business) that over the years is accelerating more and more its initial trend.
that the traditional way of doing music business did not share all the water it was difficult to understand. Becomes rather difficult to understand why the various actors involved fossilized remains both positions and in many ways anachronistic self, while the consumers of music to the market desperately asking something different. Just read some comments about the music piracy on the blog of Courier Federico Cella this link to realize this.
In this sense, record companies and professionals in the sector should make efforts to meet the actual demand for music, transforming its competitors in complementori (union of competitor with complementary ).
not snug up now outdated practice that can turn the tide record companies or save those jobs that has been rendered useless by the digital revolution. On the other hand, a similar sacrifice is also required to composers and performers, these are concepts already discussed and accepted for many years now. Just think of what he writes Chris Anderson in his latest book, Free :
"[...] The online music it is the perfect example: Between digital reproduction and dissemination peer to peer , the real cost of distributing music is sunk. In this case, the product has become free because of the sheer force of economic gravity, with or without a business model behind it. This force is so powerful that it caused the failure of the [...] read, copy protection, guilt and any other barrier to piracy the labels have come up to oppose it "(p. 34, electronic version ePub).
The solution? New distribution models that cover the gap opened by offering more music to users and to the authors: it is what it is crying out from both sides, and that's exactly what's going to squeeze the profits and turnover of record .
The free will not eliminate from the face of the earth 's economy as well as music industry has not eliminated during the past century. Al contrario, i campioni gratuiti, i loss leader , il modello di distribuzione dei contenuti free to air (tipico dei media tradizionale come i canali radio - televisivi in chiaro) ed i prodotti complementari in omaggio ( free gift inside ) hanno contribuito a costruire un mercato evoluto e sofisticato che altrimenti non avrebbe potuto svilupparsi.
Ora una nuova forma di questa economia del dono sta prendendo piede attraverso internet, ovvero proprio dove i costi di stoccaggio e duplicazione del prodotto si stanno approssimando verso lo zero. La mia opinione è che dietro a questo cambiamento epocale si nascondano molte più occasioni di sviluppo e business di quanto si voglia normalmente far credere. Ogni singolo file musicale mp3 sold in a conscious way is therefore free of the prodrome of a product or service that can generate additional income for musicians and for professionals in the music industry.
Internet will not kill the music but rather will contribute to his new maturity. Understand how to bring operational efficiency this gift economy 2.0 is the real challenge that the protagonists of the new digital market must overcome.
Learn how to make money with your music on the web!


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