Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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How to lay out a book or an ebook [Tutorial]

How typesetting a book or an ebook ?!? The topic seems very timely for several reasons. With the growth of self-publishing in recent years, many authors have met their dream of publishing a book. To accomplish this, they had to improvise a bit 'and some authors' publishers, acquiring all its those skills and knowledge that characterize the traditional publishing industry . Think about the number and diversity of professionals that are usually used in the traditional cultural industry to realize how complex a job well done in achieving autonomy.
On the other hand, the internet is a phenomenal box editorial skills and operational procedures , so you just know what and how try to find the information needed to perform work more than adequate. However, this is a difficult and uncertain outcome, especially if you are in front of the first publication, because what they can not overcome is the lack of experience. It is not uncommon for me to receive emails and requests for information and details regarding the technical aspects of formatting and setting up a book or an ebook , that led me to write this little tutorial .
First, we must distinguish between ebook and printed book . When it comes to writing you can use any page size, but once you've finished your book and you want to publish via print on demand, will have to adapt to the needs of your print carrier. With regard to the publication of books traditional formats are usually provided directly by the reference sites.
A terrific value from the link is to free collection of templates that comes from Lulu.com and can also be used in the process of writing your book so that you can be sure to have a book ready for printing through a Pod (the table is shown in the picture below).
While traditional publishing software are used as very advanced LaTeX for publishing a book self a simple word processor like Microsoft Word or Open Office is more than enough. You can find the complete table from which to download the template of the books at the following web address (scroll down the page until the bottom).
speech to radically change the layout of a book in ebook format . Given that the book should not be printed but benefited from an electronic screen, the page size setting lose their original meaning to give way to the characteristics of character formatting.
The most elegant solution currently available is the Epub format, but is also the most complex or expensive for independent authors. On the Internet there are many software gratuiti in grado di convertire file di word in formati ePub , ma i risultati non sono sempre dei migliori e mancano di avvicinarsi alla sufficienza professionale che si ci attende da un ebook a pagamento.
Ad ogni modo, se volete tentare, vi consiglio di utilizzare l'ottimo convertitore gratuito  Calibre , un software multiuso molto utile da tenere nel proprio computer perché presenta anche un componente per la lettura di ePub.
La strada più sicura per un autore indipendente resta il formato PDF , sia per la propria universalità che per la facilità di creazione (con openoffice è presente un icona specifica directly in the toolbar). While this format is more standardized, the other has a remarkable rigidity of change, so the advice is to use a height of characters high enough in order to make it easier to read screen. When
typeset your book, pay special attention all'interlinea (for the ebook should not be too narrow) and the character you choose. Should facilitate the reading, so roll on Times New Roman for the paper version or the Air and Verdana for the digital edition.
In conclusion, if you are on your first autopubblicazioni, it is very important to think of these details and make sure to get a job as professional as possible; the success of a book lies not only in content but also in its form . Do not store this information in the stage of layout could frustrate your efforts and penalize a positive editorial work.


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